The Whining and Bitching Thread

I always thought all that fannyish ohh we are awful look how pale we are cluck cluck you see it is important other cultures blah blah multisocioethnodivohomometrolondistanipretentioism
The campus newspaper rejected my Behexen review.

Apparently they're no better than the radio station in that big labels send them a slew of crap to review. He asked if I could review the latest Cannibal Corpse album instead. I told him it was of no interest to me, as my services were likewise to him.
What a my pals jew.

Back on point, feel free to send me the new Cannibal Corpse, I'm actually mildly interested in it.
They're like death metals Motorhead for me. Sure, they're never inventive, but they're damn reliable.
The campus newspaper rejected my Behexen review.

Gotta link? I was considering writing a review for their last album, just haven't got around to it.

And I agree vihris. Motorhead were inventive. And corpse wasn't quite so redundant for the first 3 albums. After that it started getting more and more samish. Though I do like select songs, and 'Gallery of Suicide' is a fun listen.
Gotta link? I was considering writing a review for their last album, just haven't got around to it.

And I agree vihris. Motorhead were inventive. And corpse wasn't quite so redundant for the first 3 albums. After that it started getting more and more samish. Though I do like select songs, and 'Gallery of Suicide' is a fun listen.

As you can see, I'm not too bummed out by the campus newspaper not publishing their Metal DJ's "album of the year" review.
To be fair to them there's probably only like two people other than you on campus who would actually get anything out of it. Reviews are different than radio in that you actually have to an idea of the music to understand what the reviewer is talking about.
Any form of press is bound to garner some remote interest. I sort of regret turning down the Cannibal Corpse offer since I could have written a potentially negative review of it. Next time perhaps.
It's fucking HOT AS CUNTING FUCK here atm. I don't mind a bit of heat, but today got to 44°C ffs. Yesterday was 43 and tomorrow is supposed to be 43 as well. Yesterday half the city's train tracks buckled in the heat. Power outages are everywhere. Can't wait for the "cool change" on Sunday, only 35°C. :hotjump::zombie:
Haha, it would suck to in Melbourne or Adelaide at the moment. We've had a pretty mild summer here so far, only one 40C plus day, which is quite unusual for Perth. Right now it's 23C. :cool:
Everyone over here has been whinging about the lack of hot weather this summer until the last few weeks. Now everyone wants the cooler weather back.
I have to get up and do an epic clean.
Clothes down the laundry, clean the room, and clean the kitchen because it's my day on the roata.
And go out and do some shopping.
Admittedly my own fault for leaving my room in a state until now, but still fucking annoying.
Except Motorhead were actually pretty inventive in creating their style.

And far, far better.
And also Lemmy is just the fucking man, whereas Corpsegrinder is sadly not just the fucking man. Although he does have the fucking neck.

So for my Chinese class we got 10 points of extra credit (i.e. +10%) on the midyear if we brought in food for the Chinese new year. I realize that sounds insanely generous, but the midyear was absurdly hard. I'm genuinely considering the possibility that the teacher made the test hard and then offered that extra credit in order to get people to bring more food. The food is donated to the Chinese program, which then sells it to raise money. This money is used afaik for the China exchange program and purchasing food for other Chinese events at which we don't have to pay. I have no problem with donating the food. However, I felt it was kinda bitchy that we were expected to bring food and then pay to eat our own food. There were hundreds of kids buying and only a dozen or so bringing food so they could have let us have some for free...anyhow.
I made cold sesame noodles, which I've never made before but which came out okay. However, it was a pain in the ass in that it took hours to make and getting the ingredients involved trudging around in last night's shitstorm at rush hour to the Super88, which stinks of raw fish. Then to get the massive bowl of noodles to school I had to get up an hour early so I could get a ride since it wouldn't have been possible to carry them and I have neither car nor driver's license. The problem with this was that I found this out at midnight, so I didn't get enough sleep and then spent an hour hanging around school before class feeling like a loser but unable to sleep. I made this time productive by reading but it still sucked.

tl;dr: my life doesn't really suck much but I'm still bitching.