The Whining and Bitching Thread

Last wednesday night a friend of mine went out to go to the store. When he walks on the street he meets three turks, they meet and one of them intentionally bumps into his shoulder(classical turk move when they're out for a fight), turns around and says "don't fucking touch me". My friend replies "calm down man, you obviously seeked it out", and turns around and continues to walk. Then the guy rushes up to him and punches him with all he got at the end of his back. He falls down and hits his head in the ground. Then they walk up to him and all three of them kick him in his sides several times each, then they run away laughing. Yeah i can see what a proud moment it's gotta be, punch someone in the back and then kick him while he's down, high five you fucking idiots. When i visited him at the hospital yesterday he couldn't even sit up due to several broken ribs and a back he had problems with even before he got punched.
Arshavin saga is the worst saga ever. For crying out loud, the saga has been going on for longer than a month. GET ARSHAVIN IN ARSENAL.
I feel like I'm going to throw up right now. Fucking sweating balls, still coughing, runny nose. This fucking sucks.
In Sweden "turk" is just racist slang for someone who's not white but not a my pals, spic or gook. It doesn't have to be someone from Turkey, it can be everything from a Serb, a Croatian, Polish, or an Iraqi.

Poles aren't white?

news to me.
Four of my Chinese friends live off campus and I'm interested in one of them (Lisa). Earlier in the year, we discussed going to some parties together, but haven't been able to set anything up and now it's even more difficult, because she lost her phone, so my only way to get ahold of her is to stop by her house unannounced and hope she's there. This isn't particularly a problem because all four of the girls in the house like me and have invited me to stop by any time, but I still don't like just dropping by without calling ahead.

Anyway, another Chinese friend on campus was telling me that the four of them were telling her that they were upset that I hadn't been dropping by very often, so I decided to stop by last night and then see if Lisa would be interested in coming to my brother's party with me. When I got there, I had to knock on the door like five times before Madoka, a Japanese girl, answered the door. This surprised me, because I wasn't expecting to see her there. Anyway the place was full of Chinese, Japanese and Korean exchange students having a party, which I did not no about and had not been invited to. After a minute or so, Lisa finally acknowledged that I was there and just said "oh Matt! It's BingBing's birthday!" and then went to get BingBing who seemed more excited to see me than Lisa did.

I felt like a total dick, because I just crashed this girl's birthday party, didn't even realize they were having a party, I had basically just stopped by with the intention of bringing her housemate to a different party, and of course I stood out like a sore thumb, because I was the only white guy there.

Then BingBing gave me cake and started cooking dumplings for me, which I also felt bad about, because she basically just abandoned her own birthday party to cook for me, even though I wasn't planning on staying. So I called my brother to tell him that I'd be late because I was at the Chinese girls' house and ate dumplings with BingBing in the kitchen while everyone else (including Lisa) was in two other rooms. The other two housemates, Karen and Hejie didn't realize I was there until later, and they both seemed more excited to see me than Lisa did, so hopefully Lisa's still just down about losing her phone.

Fortunately, it turned out to be a good thing that I'd shown up, because most of the people had walked there and the weather had since become worse, so I gave some people rides back to their dorms. However, I barely got to see or speak to Lisa the whole time I was there and when I finally got to my brother's party (almost two hours late) I was the first and only person to show up.
I fucking hate Ellicott City Maryland. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here. I hope going to school in Taipei works out.
Poles aren't white?

news to me.

No because they're always dirty.
I lol'd.

Sucks more for your brother than for you, tbh...
Sounds awkward, though. I have a bunch of asian half-friends (when you talk with them in school and hang out but not outside of school) and often wind up in those awkward only-white-guy-in-the-room-and-now-they're-fucking-talking-gook-talk situations. Aside from the gook talk thing, I take Mandarin and most of them speak English in school. Anyhow.

I dunno about the situation but you could maybe ask Bingbing how Lisa feels about you? Obviously she didn't mind you crashing her party so I imagine she'd be willing to give counsel...

Personally I'd go with the metal chick, but you should obviously go with whichever you want. If the chick is interested in you and not your friend then it's really rather noble of you to restrain yourself on his account, but if you want her just ask him. He'd be a dick to act like he has some sort of claim on this chick who's not interested in him. Of course I don't know the situation so I'm probably missing something critical.
and often wind up in those awkward only-white-guy-in-the-room-and-now-they're-fucking-talking-gook-talk situations.

I know the feeling. I'm learning mandarin but that didn't help because all the guys in Hong Kong speak cantonese with each other even though they all speak mandarin too. Also in Hong Kong I lived and hung out in the area that no tourists ever went to. So I got a lot of looks.
Sucks more for your brother than for you, tbh...
Sounds awkward, though. I have a bunch of asian half-friends (when you talk with them in school and hang out but not outside of school) and often wind up in those awkward only-white-guy-in-the-room-and-now-they're-fucking-talking-gook-talk situations. Aside from the gook talk thing, I take Mandarin and most of them speak English in school. Anyhow.

I dunno about the situation but you could maybe ask Bingbing how Lisa feels about you? Obviously she didn't mind you crashing her party so I imagine she'd be willing to give counsel...
Yeah, it does suck for him, but I guess he wasn't completely surprised, since a lot of people went home this weekend. Also, he's a pretty popular guy and his house is usually full of people whom I've never met.

My Chinese friends speak Mandarin around me all the time and I don't understand a word of it, but at this particular party I was lucky, because there were enough nationalities present that English was the only common language between them.

I'm not sure how I feel about asking Bingbing for insider information, because I really don't know her very well. I know Karen the best out of the four because she lived just down the hall from me last semester, before they all moved off campus. There will be a Valentine's Day ice skating event on my campus though, so I will ask Lisa to be my date and hopefully things will pick up from there.
I used to hate when my friends spoke cantonese around me. The only words of cantonese I know are the bad words and words I picked up from mandarin since some words are close.
So let me bitch about something...

I have some bitch sending me text messages. She's INTO me and whatnot and I feel I have given her some wrong ideas from the way I act towards her but she wants to get together with me which is fucking weird to me and the worst thing is one of my friends is really into her so I'm basically cockblocking this fellow without really trying because she likes me not him. But I'm loyal to my friends so I'm not about to hit it without his blessing but of course I don't have his blessing because he wants to hit it as well. But then again even if I had his blessing I would not want to get involved because I have another chickadee from one of my classes who is a possibility and I am more attracted to her but this other chick likes black metal which is badass but I'm not that attracted to her (don't get me wrong, i'd hit it) but I don't know what to do. I don't like leading girls on only to reject them at some later point (which I have done plenty of times and I feel bad about doing that sort of thing) but I need to play the field. I mean, what if the other chick is my soulmate and whatnot? It's like when you get one of those gay boxes of chocolates; you can't sample any one piece without messing it up at least a little bit.

Well, there are no "soulmates," so you don't have to worry about that.