The Whining and Bitching Thread

One of my friends lives in Australia, and was telling us that koalas are falling out of trees all over the place, because they're dying of dehydration. Also, his back yard is apparently littered with migrating koalas looking for something to drink, so he's been leaving out pans of water for them.
The weather has eased today, but the fires are still raging. They reckon it's the worst conditions we've ever had for bushfires. Most of them were deliberately lit as well. My mother and sister went to my uncles house to get away from the fire that nearly took their property, and found themselves directly in the path of another massive fire front. They were eventually evacuated. Whole towns have been burnt to the ground overnight.

Here's a couple of stories:
Bah, it's been below zero here every morning for the past three weeks. Doesn't take long to get used to.

I would be okay if it stayed cold. But instead it gets warm and the snow is melting and I don't need a jacket and everything's great and then the next day it's fucking freezing. It varies too much, and I don't check the weather so when I go to school I don't really know how warmly to dress.
I hate how much people are bitching about the fucking snow here. Or just talking about it in general. It's fucking frozen water, you don't stand around talking about the fucking ice cubes in your freezer all day so don't fucking talk about this fucking snow.

I did however have a nice long discussion with a 40yr old MILF on the topic of anal.

Im'a put it in her pooper.
The weather has eased today, but the fires are still raging. They reckon it's the worst conditions we've ever had for bushfires. Most of them were deliberately lit as well. My mother and sister went to my uncles house to get away from the fire that nearly took their property, and found themselves directly in the path of another massive fire front. They were eventually evacuated. Whole towns have been burnt to the ground overnight.

Here's a couple of stories:

Fuck. 84 dead so far.
I hate my body temperature.

I'm not fat, and I get plenty of exercise, I don't get out of breath walking or anything stupid like that but I get fucking hot so quickly.

I have to wear t shirts until it gets to -5C or smt.
I'm always warm too, apart from my hands. They tend to be shit-cold.

And I'm getting sick of this 'snow'. The novelty's worn off, and it's not even snow anymore anyway. It's just ice. Cold, hard, slippy-as-fuck ice.

And my left arse-cheek and wrist still hurt a bit from slipping on it on Thursday.