The Whining and Bitching Thread

We don't even have Spring in Maine. We have winter, 2 months of mud, then summer.

Let's have the mutantllama murder afterparty here then, this spring, you already know it here from your last trip anyway and we don't even have to kill mutantllama after all.
I'm always warm too, apart from my hands. They tend to be shit-cold.

And I'm getting sick of this 'snow'. The novelty's worn off, and it's not even snow anymore anyway. It's just ice. Cold, hard, slippy-as-fuck ice.

And my left arse-cheek and wrist still hurt a bit from slipping on it on Thursday.

Go team. Manchester sucks but er, as we have so much in common... Wanna fuck?
noted. i took the liberty of stalking her myspace, which upon inspection leads to the inevitable "pics plz" where "pics" means "tits"
It has NEVER not snowed in England. It snows every year in either January, Febuary or March. I've never missed a winter here, I know. It's just the brand new hoard of immigrants in London that shit themselves and decided to not go to work when the white stuff came down. It was only the city of London that was knocked up by it.