The Whining and Bitching Thread

I hate when at work someone didn't tell you something you needed to know about something, and you make a mistake and look like an ass, and you can't say 'but I didn't know,' because it usually just looks like an 'excuse'. :loco::puke:

No big deal this time, but I'd really like to be fully informed from now on. :err:
I hate when at work someone didn't tell you something you needed to know about something, and you make a mistake and look like an ass, and you can't say 'but I didn't know,' because it usually just looks like an 'excuse'. :loco::puke:

No big deal this time, but I'd really like to be fully informed from now on. :err:
My brother once worked with a girl who was so stupid that she couldn't even sweep the floor properly, amongst other things. I think during her second or third day there, he told her to stop being a retard and then one of his co-workers informed him that she really is mentally retarded.
Ad thing. Other banned words include I believe prescription p r e s c r i p t i o n and weather w e a t h e r, but maybe that's changed.
I'm pissed off because I was too retarded to pay attention and notice that when I preordered the new stuff coming out on Candlelight, they never processed the transaction...they wait until right before they ship out to punch your card in and charge you, so I ended up overdrawing my account last week, leaving me with not enough money to pay for my phone bill this week. KILL.
I told my semi-boss to fuck off today. We have this new kid at work who graduated last spring, and my boss always acts like an asshole against apprentices, he was the same towards me when i started there, starting to bitch for the smallest mistakes, even though it's pretty damn obvious that an apprentice can't possibly know as much as a real full fledged electrician. The whole point of being an apprentice is to learn, in fact the real learning starts when you start to work, school is just to give you something to stand on when you start to work. I never act like an asshole when a new kid starts working with me, what's the point of that? To scare them away so they never dare to work again? The sick thing is that i think these middle aged work guys enjoy acting like assholes.