The Whining and Bitching Thread

I don't know what you fucking losers are talking about. Valentines day isn't about blowing a shit ton of cash. Honestly, if you spend or have spent more than $50 on valentines day you're are a tool. It's mildly entertaining watching you guys trying to cope with your loneliness by mocking those who are actually in a relationship and don't have to constantly fuck your own hands.

edit: no offense btw

Valentines day is about greeting card companies making a shit ton of cash, that's it. lol at anyone who is sucked in.

Edit: Oh, you changed your post. Oh well
Seriously, only noobs buy cards. Making a card=win. That is, if you have someone to make a card for :(.
I didn't have anyone specifically to make a card for, but I enjoy making them and posting them on my friends' doors in the middle of the night. This year I made 66 cards, which is actually fewer than last year. So far I have still not been able to deliver my one remaining card, because the dorm that this girl lives in is so old that only residents can unlock it with their keys. The rest can be unlocked by flashing your student ID card in front of a magnetic strip.
what the fuck 66 cards?

66 valentines cards? why not 666 and why not put anthrax in them?

a cd sampler in every one.
Alright guys, I think I have myself in a dilemma here;
I like one of my bandmates. And I think he likes me, but I'm not sure. If he were to ask me out, what should I say? If we dated and broke up, would the band be completely ruined, and I'd get the boot? Or should I take the risk, and state that if we broke up, we'd still be friends? Or is dating a bandmate completely wrong, and I shouldn't even be considering it? I don't want to straight up tell the guy I like him because if he doesn't like me then it's going to create an awkwardness within the band. :(
Don't even mention the possibility of breaking up because that undermines the potential integrity of the relationship, regardless of whether or not it happens.