The Whining and Bitching Thread

I fucking hate that this state requires me to have my license completely updated when buying a gun. even though all the info has been changed on the Illinois website.
fucking retarded!!!
Now I have to wait in line at the gay ass my pals filled dmv for an hour or two
You know, I've never seen an attractive person at the DMV; not one. But they must have to go there at some time or another. I'm almost certain that there is some kind of invisible device located at the threshold of the DMV portals that renders all individuals hideously grotesque as soon as they set foot within its boundaries. Seriously, if a foreign person came to America and the first and only place (for God knows what reason) that he or she could go to was the DMV, I guarantee you that person would believe that America is the ugliest fucking country in the world.
Backlight on my ipod burnt out, and warranty from costco ended four days ago. apple store wouldn't trade it, and now i have to call apple and see if they can do something for me. first i'm trying to restore everything on my ipod, but it's taking a lonnnggggg time. :( this sucks.
i fucking hate CanalPlus. Worthless french shit doesnt work and im trying to fucking watch some footy , its been 2 weeks now ffs.
God, I'm so fucking tired of those dudes with upper midwest accents doing commercials. This commercial for workbaltimore dat cam that keeps coming on really annoys me.
I'm sick of mum watching celebrity cash in the attic. Basically some old codger looking through the family heirlooms for silver ash trays to auction off for charity.
Backlight on my ipod burnt out, and warranty from costco ended four days ago. apple store wouldn't trade it, and now i have to call apple and see if they can do something for me. first i'm trying to restore everything on my ipod, but it's taking a lonnnggggg time. :( this sucks.

Apple has god awful customer service, get a Zune.
I'm making blanket statements concerning a country several thousand miles wide based on maybe 10 people I spoke with in Montreal.
I'm pissed because Canadians don't have awesome accents. They kinda just sounded like normal people.
They do. I don't know about Montreal but in Toronto they have a slight accent. It's gets pretty thick if you hear people from rural areas or from the Atlantic provinces which each have their own variety. It's all about vowel raising and saying the letter a little strangely. To use the classic example "about" sounds like "abowoot" although it's said fast. Also they pronounce the a in "Mario" like the a in "Mare" rather than like "Mars". Of course as with most accents it varies from person to person.
They do. I don't know about Montreal but in Toronto they have a slight accent. It's gets pretty thick if you hear people from rural areas or from the Atlantic provinces which each have their own variety. It's all about vowel raising and saying the letter a little strangely. To use the classic example "about" sounds like "abowoot" although it's said fast. Also they pronounce the a in "Mario" like the a in "Mare" rather than like "Mars". Of course as with most accents it varies from person to person.

Oh. That's more like it.

Montreal is cool because it's like "Learn French: The City." You can just go around and a lot of shit is in both French and English and the rest is just in French so you kinda pick it up pretty quick.