The Whining and Bitching Thread

Fuuuuuck, her boyfriend is now visiting until Tuesday and Lisa just came down with something and I'm out of back up plans :mad:
Lisa got better, went skating with her girl friends and basically hasn't spoken to me all week. I drove the other girl to the mall though, but she wanted to bring her boyfriend and two other girls.

However, I just found a really cute thank you letter from her by my door.

Thanks for going out with us. We really enjoy the special day!

We all love your personality, and you are such a kind of person. We really appreciate to be your friends!

Best wishes!

Meng, Jack, Gloria, Cynni
Alright guys, I think I have myself in a dilemma here;
I like one of my bandmates. And I think he likes me, but I'm not sure. If he were to ask me out, what should I say? If we dated and broke up, would the band be completely ruined, and I'd get the boot? Or should I take the risk, and state that if we broke up, we'd still be friends? Or is dating a bandmate completely wrong, and I shouldn't even be considering it? I don't want to straight up tell the guy I like him because if he doesn't like me then it's going to create an awkwardness within the band. :(

Have a read about Fleetwood Mac, inter-band relationships worked pretty well for them I think :Smug:

Thanks for going out with us. We really enjoy the special day!

We all love your personality, and you are such a kind of person. We really appreciate to be your friends!

Best wishes!

Meng, Jack, Gloria, Cynni

Wtf kinda person leaves letters like that? 'We all love your personality' ......? o_O
Just another way of saying. "You're a fucking creep, stop putting weird letters on our doors in the middle of the night."
Ah, okay, I thought the arrow was indicating the direction of travel, ie. back pedaling.
Wtf kinda person leaves letters like that? 'We all love your personality' ......? o_O
They're Chinese exchange students.
They sound engrish.
"We really appreciate to be your friends!"
It's probably a custom.
My favorite part was "you are such a kind of person." I hope they mean the good kind :lol:
My Mandarin teacher one time was talking about chinese drummers. He talked about how everyone clapped for them. Unfortunately he can never pronounce l's when he speaks english. So he was saying "the drummer come out and everybody stand up and crap. They all crap. Yes, everybody crap."
I cannot stand it when I make some sort of non-objectionable communication to someone and there is no response. Phone calls, e-mails, PMs, IMs, whatever it may be. I don't care what you say, you can call me a bucket of piss for all I care, but you damn well better send something back that at least affirms you got it at all. How hard is it, honestly? And employers, too. If you aren't interested, just take 10 seconds of time and say so. It's the principle of the thing.

I can't stand people.