The Whining and Bitching Thread

Started snowing during rugby practice today. So cold! But it wasn't enough to cover the ground, thank goodness. I don't think I have ever felt so nasty after practice before. I have the worst cold on the face of the earth, I feel like death. Anywho, I was recently asked to join a band as lead singer. So stoked!
I mean, anything beyond mainstream rock and you can't fucking find people...
Canada sounds pretty hardcore, though.

Where I live black metal is growing in trendy fashion amongst metalheads. If you're in a black metal band, play at a bar and everyone will love you, guaranteed. If you're horrible, even better!
I guess I could consider myself lucky since between my brother (guitar), my two best friends (bass and keyboard) and me (drums) we have everything we need for a band. The main issue is that none of us are very good, and because of distance we don't practice that often. That should change once I'm out of Richmond this summer though.
That's true. When I move back up north I want to start a doom metal band. Despite the fact that I'm in Tampa, and there's no shortage of metalheads here, none of them that I know really like doom metal.
I've been to Barnes and Noble twice in the past week because they told me that R. Scott Bakker's new book would be in. First I called, and they told me I could get it on the fifth, but when I went in I was told "It's in the warehouse, but we don't have copies on the shelf yet. Come back on the tenth." So I go back on the tenth, and I'm told "Ummm, I don't know why they would tell you that. We have some copies on order, but we don't know when they're coming in. The publishing release date isn't until the nineteenth." Fucking idiots. I gave them my name and told them to call me and send me an email when the book arrives. It was frustrating.
Now that "#4" is retiring, AGAIN, we get to be subjected to the 24 hr fellating of Brettfavrebrettfavrebrettfavre for 2-3 weeks on ESPN, AGAIN.
So there's this really beautiful girl that I like. I mean she is really fine but apparently she actually is modelling at the moment. We're in 6th form so that's like... shit, she's out of my solar system already. Anyway I asked her out a while back and she said no, but my friends seem to think I still have a chance with her if I become friends with her sister (who they all know really well) and go round her house a lot.

Fuck what to do. She's considerably better looking that the women people have posted images of claiming to have laid them on this forum.
So there's this really beautiful girl that I like. I mean she is really fine but apparently she actually is modelling at the moment.

Fuck what to do. She's considerably better looking that the women people have posted images of claiming to have laid them on this forum.

You should be considering more aspects about her personality before 'laying' her than what she looks like. Your standards are dog matey. Or maybe your 12.
So there's this really beautiful girl that I like. I mean she is really fine but apparently she actually is modelling at the moment. We're in 6th form so that's like... shit, she's out of my solar system already. Anyway I asked her out a while back and she said no, but my friends seem to think I still have a chance with her if I become friends with her sister (who they all know really well) and go round her house a lot.

Fuck what to do. She's considerably better looking that the women people have posted images of claiming to have laid them on this forum.

fuck models, they are complete shit to people once you see past that layer of bullshit they all have, unless you're a male model yourself
You should be considering more aspects about her personality before 'laying' her than what she looks like. Your standards are dog matey. Or maybe your 12.


We've spoken, you know I'm nearly 18. Also I don't know her at all, I want to. Then I'll know what kind of a person she is. I'm not into dating friends because I know them and it's easier. I want to meet more people and date.

I could have worded my situation in a more politically correct fashion I suppose but come on, I can hardly comment on her personality when I don't know her.

We've spoken, you know I'm nearly 18. Also I don't know her at all, I want to. Then I'll know what kind of a person she is. I'm not into dating friends because I know them and it's easier. I want to meet more people and date.

I could have worded my situation in a more politically correct fashion I suppose but come on, I can hardly comment on her personality when I don't know her.

What you wrote was absurdly childish.
You mean, you know them and it's harder. (to date them).
Yes, of course.
Don't call it politically correct.
Politeness, courtesy and standards is not political correctness.

The modern political correctness is a dogmatic attitude towards what the government want.
So there's this really beautiful girl that I like. I mean she is really fine but apparently she actually is modelling at the moment. We're in 6th form so that's like... shit, she's out of my solar system already. Anyway I asked her out a while back and she said no, but my friends seem to think I still have a chance with her if I become friends with her sister (who they all know really well) and go round her house a lot.

Fuck what to do. She's considerably better looking that the women people have posted images of claiming to have laid them on this forum.

You don't have a chance... quit fooling yourself.
My best advice would be a swift application of chloroform.
Put some chloroform on your shirt and go up to her and say "does this smell like chloroform to you?"