The Whining and Bitching Thread

Totally inconvenient, seriously.

Well usually when I want to hang out with someone, I can get to a phone in just under a few minutes, or I already talked to them at school, etc.

But I don't care if people have them or not.

I just don't want to bother paying for it, or even pay for minutes.
I don't understand why anyone would not want a cell phone nowadays. I'm not saying this because you are totally missing out on all the sweet txts you could be sending or all of the awesome internet sites you could be looking at on a screen smaller than my dick. What I mean is, they are so convenient and handy in case of an emergency or other situations that I find it somewhat foolish to refuse to get one because other people turn them into a big part of their social life. Kind of like hating a band because of their fans; it's just dumb. But hey, to each his own.
Srsly. If you have any kind of social or work life at all then that alone is reason enough to get one, they're just so convenient.
Yeah, I mean if you're in the middle of nowhere and you are gushing blood from your femoral artery and have a cell phone, you can dial 911 right away and get help immediately. I doubt someone would want to have that happen to them and have to find someone and say 'Hey dude, you mind driving me to a pay phone so I can get some help? I don't have a cell phone'
Well, I can see the need if you have a family or something (or if you're health conscious and don't want radiation going through your head all the time). I don't have a land line in my apartment because I don't think the additional cost per month of having one is worth it. It would be nice for things like job interviews and such since some want you to have a land line so your call won't drop, but I can always go to my parents house for that
So I should pay 40$ a month to carry a piece of junk that breaks every 2 years for the 0.002% chances that I'm gushing blood from my femoral artery in the middle of nowhere?

Maybe I'm just too old but I find it hilarious how callphones became so "essential" for so many people. How did we live before that?!?
It's essential to me as it's the only way people can get in touch with me outside of the internet.

Phones don't break every two years if you take care of them and the 'femoral artery' example was clearly an exaggeration and I was attempting to be funny and failed

Whatever. Stop being an old fart.
Dude, the phone I've got is like 6+ years old, and still works fine, even though I've mistreated it quite a bit. Besides, there have to be cell phone plans that are comparable in price to land lines (I wouldn't know any real figures though). It just seems like you guys are just making up this whole price issue to cover up for your own stubbornness.
is phone stuff really that expensive over there?
I picked up a half decent phone (colour screen, camera etc) for about £20.
It's lasted me a good couple of years, and I'm currently on a pay as you go plan where if I top up £10 i get 300 free texts, which is fine for me.
I have some cheap 10 dollar phone that I never use, but I still take it whenever I go out incase something happens.
Dude, the phone I've got is like 6+ years old, and still works fine, even though I've mistreated it quite a bit. Besides, there have to be cell phone plans that are comparable in price to land lines (I wouldn't know any real figures though). It just seems like you guys are just making up this whole price issue to cover up for your own stubbornness.

It's not just the price of phones, it's the price of everything. Everything costs money. People these days bleed cash every month for a variety of subscriptions to various services (bills, phones, internet, etc), as well as monthly payment for other things (house, car, etc). You have to decide what is essential, what is important, and what you can live without.

Why is it stubborn to decide one doesn't need a cell phone?
It's stubborn if the price of having cell phones is comparable to the price of having a land line. But I don't know how they compare so I can't really be the judge.