The Whining and Bitching Thread

I was speaking from the perspective of someone who would be upset at the butchering of traditional English. Refer to the post immediately preceding mine.
My buddy that got me the job seems to think so and unfortunately i agree with him. Like i said before, 70% of the Supervisors and Employees there are black. From day one my supervisor looked down on me even though i have more experience then any other loser under his wing.
I wonder if maybe your attitude contributed a bit, considering you seem to despise all your black coworkers and complain constantly about stuff.

My whine is I went to see Blitzkrieg last night and I still have a ringing in my ears.

You saw Blitzkrieg and you're whining about it? MAN THE FUCK UP.
lol fair comment.

The kicked ass by the way. Check the concerts etc thread for my word about it.
Last semester when I was a regular at karaoke night, I used to see this girl there who I always thought was pretty. We were in the finals together and I also saw her elsewhere on campus from time to time, always alone, but I'd never taken the initiative to speak to her except for one time shortly after Halloween when I told her that I thought she should have won the costume contest (she built her own iPod costume).

At dinner after Aikido this past Thursday though, I saw her in the dining hall, alone as usual and mentioned to my friend that I thought she was pretty. He recognized her from his Art History class and told me that she's very shy, so he asked one of our female friends from the same class to invite her to sit with us. She ended up sitting at the end of the table at first, but then moved next to me and later ate some dessert off my fork. She was pretty shy and quiet, but pretty funny too. When my friend mentioned playing guitar, she told us that she wanted to take Guitar Hero lessons.

After dinner, she said she needed to go back to her room to study, but I invited her to play videogames instead and she played Tekken 5 with us until 2:00 AM. The next day, her twin sister visited and both of them played videogames with us until 2:00 AM again.

I don't expect to start dating her though, because I'm going to graduate in two weeks, but I'll still try to spend as much time with her as I can until then. It really sucks though, because even though I've only known her for four days, I already like her more than most girls and I'm usually not the type of guy who becomes interested that quickly. She's different from a lot of them though because I don't know many other women who like videogames or appreciate music the way she does. She also dresses tastefully, seems very innocent, has a genuinely sweet personality and I like her singing voice.

Here's a picture of her.


EDIT: Haha, I just noticed that she looks vaguely like Amy Reid in this picture. So much for seeming innocent :lol:
Have a brutal cold again. Woke up after three hours of sleep and haven't been able to get any rest since.:erk:

She also dresses tastefully, seems very innocent, has a genuinely sweet personality and I like her singing voice.

Agreed, total turn-on. Slutty girls seem so mundane and easy, the innocent ones are the ones that really make you feel special (note that innocent =/= really young).
When my friend mentioned playing guitar, she told us that she wanted to take Guitar Hero lessons.


After dinner, she said she needed to go back to her room to study, but I invited her to play videogames instead and she played Tekken 5 with us until 2:00 AM. The next day, her twin sister visited and both of them played videogames with us until 2:00 AM again.

Tekken is cool. I hope you established yourself as the local "alpha male" of Tekken so she will be like putty in your hands.
Haha, I just noticed that she looks vaguely like Amy Reid

I wonder if maybe your attitude contributed a bit, considering you seem to despise all your black coworkers and complain constantly about stuff.
I actually have no problem with the black dudes in my department. They help me out whenever they can and are cool guys for the most part. I have gained respect for them after working at this job but mainly my problem lies with my racist supervisor.
fucking lazy inconsiderate bastards. if youre gonna put someone up for a base wide award and force them to go to a lame ass ceremony, you better fucking show up too... and, of course, i won. then other random people took pity noticing my commander wasnt there.

and they wonder why morale is low
Sounds pretty typical of officers. Will inconvenience the shit out of you and then will be somewhere chillin while all the enlisted are standing outside in [fill in the blank unpleasant weather] looking around thinking "Wtf"?
yeah, although less typical of the air force. it has more to do with me. last quater they went out of their way for my friend who had to do all this stuff.

i've pissed quite a few people off here.
Im tired, I cant fucking sleep. Past week was a nightmare, I couldnt sleep then either. But now its worse, I fall to sleep at like 12 am and I wind up shuting my eyes 4 hours after, then I wake up every 30 minutes or so untill its time for me to get up for school at 7 am.:erk:

Break ups really suck donkey balls.:cry:
I don't have a self image or anything like that and my social life died last year and I only go out about once every 2 months.
I'm so fucking sick of school it's ridiculous. The closer I get to the end, the slower the clocks tick.

I actually have no problem with the black dudes in my department. They help me out whenever they can and are cool guys for the most part. I have gained respect for them after working at this job but mainly my problem lies with my racist supervisor.

Ok, I'll take your word for it. But how is your attitude towards him? If he sense you don't like him (subconsciously), he may (subconsciously) be a douchebag to you.