The Whining and Bitching Thread

to avoid falling into the friend zone, you must immediately expose your penis early in the relationship, so there is no confusion about your intentions
I do get sick of being told how nice I am and how I deserve a nice girlfriend by girls.

GREAT! now where is she?

fucking hell!
to avoid falling into the friend zone, you must immediately expose your penis early in the relationship, so there is no confusion about your intentions

dude, ask my pal amy (grimmy). i practically sexually harass her on a daily basis. provocative pictures, naughty talk, etc etc.

if saying "listen cunt. suck my cock or i'm gonna beat you" doesnt work, i dont know what else to do!
yeah, we've already done that irl hehehehe. i even got her smashed. still, no pussy for teh baldy. i has a sad, and frustrations

NINJA'd. for deva
hah, ok. im gonna try that. worded exactly like that.

everyone, please give me more absurd and over the top lines
Tell her you want to send her some good porn and send a pic you with corpsepaint that says "I love you to death."
Last semester when I was a regular at karaoke night, I used to see this girl there who I always thought was pretty. We were in the finals together and I also saw her elsewhere on campus from time to time, always alone, but I'd never taken the initiative to speak to her except for one time shortly after Halloween when I told her that I thought she should have won the costume contest (she built her own iPod costume).

At dinner after Aikido this past Thursday though, I saw her in the dining hall, alone as usual and mentioned to my friend that I thought she was pretty. He recognized her from his Art History class and told me that she's very shy, so he asked one of our female friends from the same class to invite her to sit with us. She ended up sitting at the end of the table at first, but then moved next to me and later ate some dessert off my fork. She was pretty shy and quiet, but pretty funny too. When my friend mentioned playing guitar, she told us that she wanted to take Guitar Hero lessons.

After dinner, she said she needed to go back to her room to study, but I invited her to play videogames instead and she played Tekken 5 with us until 2:00 AM. The next day, her twin sister visited and both of them played videogames with us until 2:00 AM again.

I don't expect to start dating her though, because I'm going to graduate in two weeks, but I'll still try to spend as much time with her as I can until then. It really sucks though, because even though I've only known her for four days, I already like her more than most girls and I'm usually not the type of guy who becomes interested that quickly. She's different from a lot of them though because I don't know many other women who like videogames or appreciate music the way she does. She also dresses tastefully, seems very innocent, has a genuinely sweet personality and I like her singing voice.

Here's a picture of her.

EDIT: Haha, I just noticed that she looks vaguely like Amy Reid in this picture. So much for seeming innocent :lol:
Fuuuck, one of my friends' girlfriends has taken a class with her and just told me that she's not very smart. I hope it's not true, because I don't want this to turn into one of those "rule of three" compromises :erk: