The Whining and Bitching Thread

Latest fun in the cold war with my female apartment mate:

For a few months we've been sharing this towel bar in our bathroom. I keep my bath towel on it, and she keeps a hand towel for... whatever, drying her hands, I guess. Well a few weeks ago I found my towel getting pushed over on the bar every day, as if she didn't want it touching hers. I thought this was pretty stupid, but since she kept doing it over and over I eventually started leaving an inch or two of room between our towels when putting mine back from drying off.

Apparently an inch or two of space wasn't good enough for her - I would frequently find my towel bunched up on the other end of the bar in a "STAY IN YOUR CORNER, DAMMIT" kind of way. She didn't even need that much space - she was simply doing her damnedest to prevent any possible contact between our towels.

I finally got sick of this passive-aggressive shit, and e-mailed her last night asking why she kept moving my towel. Her response was:
I'm sorry but I don't think you need to use the entire towel rack. Just trying to make room for my hand towel without everything resting on each other. I wasn't trying to be malicious or anything, just scooting your towel over.
To which I replied:
I'm not using the entire towel rack, and I've never seen you use more than maybe a third of it. I even started leaving you an inch or two of room after you started doing this, but I keep seeing my towel bunched up on the other end as if you need twice the amount of space you actually use. It's just pretty silly, especially since our towels somehow managed to get along with each other for what seems like months before this. I'm pretty sure nothing bad is going to come from them occasionally touching.
When she got home from work this evening, she took her towel off the bar. :lol:
Cut her towel in the shape of a penis. And write a note that says "because you live dick in your face."
Ah, the joys of shared living. I had a very similar thing happen with a sponge/ two sponges in the kitchen. I love the way something so insignificant slowly boils and boils until it finally explodes furiously in the form of... a stern note on the fridge or in this case an email.
In my house we now have a "Passive-Aggressive Dish Washing Sheet" posted above our sink that you have to write your name when you do dishes. We did this so that we could guilt people into doing dishes based on actual fact rather then baselessly accusing one another of slacking off.

Also Satanstoenail your post is uncomfortably close to mine. Next time if could you please separate it a little. K thanks :).
Also Satanstoenail your post is uncomfortably close to mine. Next time if could you please separate it a little. K thanks :).

But that's the way I am, I put my post there because it felt right at the time for ME. All this tension is really stifling my enjoyment of this space, and I don't want to feel that way in a space that I spend so much time in.
Why did you email your housemate? Couldn't you just talk to her when she got home?

A combination of wanting to get it off my chest sooner and wanting to avoid the awkwardness of having such a stupid conversation in person. She and I pretty much never talk to each other anyway other than to complain about something, so we're in the habit of using e-mail. It's a super relationship.

I really didn't have anything against her to begin with, but it's pretty clear at this point that she just can't stand me because I'm not 'up to her standards' of a well-behaved gentleman who bends over backwards to show respect to women, and that she wants to do everything in her power to distance herself from me.

I don't know if you read any of my earlier rants about her, but she's gotten on me before for stuff like not getting up to offer her a seat when she enters a room without her having to ask. She has a completely warped and immature worldview, and it's telling that she has no real friends in her life other than her boyfriend, whom she follows around like a shadow. She's basically a 22-year-old child who expects to be sheltered and taken care of her whole life, rather than act like a normal person and be open to the world around her. It really disgusts me.
I was 20 minutes late to chemistry because when I got up I 'just five minutes' for an hour or so.