The Whining and Bitching Thread

You're too tense man, you run/hide from the things you fear/annoy you and you even fear/can't make sense of your own desires in fear of losing them or them never coming into fruition.
Excessive passivity is a problem of mine, I agree. I don't run or hide, I just sort of sit there. However, in a case like this I really need a sign before doing anything. She's a coworker and if I made a move that was unwelcome it would be completely awkward (the move would be made outside of work, of course, but still). I'm fairly certain I've been friend-zoned, though.
I mean seriously relax, I've never met anyone on all the msg boards I've been on that is soo ignore list erratic. Ever thought that it may be A LITTLE NORMAL if a girl likes you? DAMN!
I'm pretty sure that putting people on ignore isn't relevant to this. I said, I can't think of any reason for her to be interested in me, although since I can't think of any reason for myself to be interested in her I guess it evens out.

edit - you can put me on ignore if you so wish. I could care less, and it would also only reinforce my point.
I'm not gonna put you on ignore. You're a perfectly fine poster except when you do drugs, at which point you become awesome. Also, that post about the nazi dolls was the single best post that has ever been made on this forum, and possibly on the entire internet. Anyways, thanks for the post. You've given me some food for thought.
do drugs? ok first of all I don't do EcsTASTY anymore because of it's neurotoxicity which has basically deterred me considering how heavily I used in the past. I still take shrooms and everything else except hard drugs, but pot is the only thing I can even find so far. Second of all most of those posts involved me either being sober or stoned, and just basically being silly which has gotten me close to BANNAGE which is why I've calmed down and post less.

anyways, yea passivity is not a good thing. I'll just put it this way; "in life you want to be ACTIVE not REACTIVE"

edit - do you have a link to that post?
Here it is in all it's glory...although some of the photos no longer work.

(check it out)

my hobby is collecting nazi dolls.
they are actually called 'action figures.'
right now, i have around 65 of them, plus three big vehicles, two motorcycles and a pair of bicycles.

this is the SS Scharfuhrer (that's the equivalent rank of staff sergeant).
i bought those little playing cards seperate.
i purchase a lot of little items for these guys -- cigarettes, plastic food, little chairs and tables, etc.

each guy costs around $40. the vehicles cost more. i will spend up to $100 on a good vehicle.

here's the scharfuhrer lighting a cigarette.
i bought the lighter and his eyeglasses seperate.

here are some high-ranking officers travelling by 'kubelwagen.'
the kubelwagen was the german equivalent of the US Jeep.

here's Marius the SS officer and Fritz the panzer cadet.
they are gay.
a lot of people in the 'action figure community' are mean to me because some of my dolls are gay.
i have around 65 action figures, but only 5 or 6 are gay.
but meanwhile, the people in this hobby act like all my guys are gay.
they are mean to me.

the guy on the left is major krauer (he's a pilot). those are flares on his leg. the other guy is lefty mcgill -- he is a driver. i always have him driving some sort of vehicle.

here's a bunch of guys in a cardboard box before i hide them - i have to hide them when my family comes to visit, or else they'll think i am retarded.
i buy metal stands to hold them up, so they don't fall over.
i also get special hats for certain guys.
i like to keep them looking fancy.
i really like my action figures, but i face a lot of prejudice from people -- i bring gay guys home from bars and then they see my doll collection and they don't like me any more.
and on the other end, my fellow doll collectors don't like me because i am gay.
also -- i will end this post with a photo of myself.

(cool, huh?)
sexual harassment? what? I'm not going to read the entire wiki page, but I'm guessing you read my phrase wrong? It basically means you want to make things happen in your life instead of sitting around and waiting for things to occur. Doesn't necessarily involved walking up to women and sticking your finger up their wet chute. DAMN!

A nice hello my name is (blank) would do better.
That Nazi Doll post was incredible...Xorv you rule! The last picture had me in tears laughing, with all the dolls staring at the camera!

And WAIF, there is ONE way out of friend-zone, but it is a path you must find for yourself..if you really want to enter the vag, then you must be determined, and I see very little determination coming from you atm!!

TBH co-workers are the easiest preys! What kind of job do you have? Retail? Is she working in the same department? Do you see her all the time, or just on breaks etc etc...anyway chat as much as possible but keep it flirty, not just gay chat...then man up and ask her out one time, and thats all that needs to be done, if she says yes, you HAVE to pull a move on the first date..else she will think you are A) Gay , or B) A very friendly and slightly weird straight dude with no game

You'd want her to think that you are C) Viking


And stop being so self-conscious! In the end it boils down to "Who really gives a goddamn fuck?" (Repeat that phrase all the motherfucking time in your head, it will man you up faster than a Manowar concert)
:lol: love that post. Just a reminder of how fucked the internet can be, really.

I'm also fairly certain Xorv isn't the person who originally wrote that post.
So I dumped my girl last night. Turns out she actually didn't like me, and I'm not doing a stupid on/off relationship.