The Whining and Bitching Thread

Internet explorer is such a terrible browser. No tabs, and such a horrid and boring-looking interface.
So I started doing this volunteership back in September, which involved building a website for some community center / charity in Charlottesville (along with a friend of mine). It was nice to have something to work on back when my internship was only one day a week. Since my internship hours got bumped up, though, the volunteership's just been a giant pain in the ass. I went from having too much free time to too little, and now the website just feels like a giant school project that's constantly hanging over my head and that I have almost no motivation to work on. It seems like our progress just gets slower and slower the closer we think we are to finishing the site, and it sucks so much ass... I'm just going to want to go hang myself until this project is finished.
Continuing from the "Things you're looking forward to" Thread

At some point next week (next time I see her) I plan to ask the girl I like out (I figure 50/50 chances).

let us know how it goes :kickass:
Will post this here, since it seems to make more sense.

She said yes. She didn't sound hugely enthusiastic, but she's very quiet so I don't really know how to read that. Also, I think I kind of startled her. There's no natural point in our conversation for me to ask her out and my time was limited so I just sort of blurted it out. I'm really, really bad at that sort of thing. But she did say yes.

The reason why I'm whining and bitching about this is that now I actually feel worse than before. I feel like I've landed an audition (or worse, a job interview), but I'm worried the band/corporation won't hire me. I expected some relief at least from letting her know I'm interested, but that hasn't come. I'm mostly worried I'm going to fuck up (extremely likely). My plan is to take her to a movie and then get some dinner. I'm unsure about the movie. She said she liked action/comedies; anyone who could recommend anything would earn massive cool points, but currently it's looking like Zombieland. Which isn't generally the sort of movie I'd take a girl to. But beyond the general, there's just a shitload of little shit I'm worried about; should I bring her flowers (if I do it'd be a single rose, but that seems tacky)? should I try to hold her hand at the movie? I don't want to be aggressive but at the same time there has to be some sexual nature to this relationship or I'm just friendzoning myself. I wish she wasn't so hard to read.

On the other hand, I can now employ BMWG's suggestion of treating her like she likes me in the hopes that she'll fall for it. God I hope that works.

But what I'm whining/bitching about is that success has merely created exponentially more stress, instead of less.

EDIT: Sorry for the epic rant
I know how you feel WAIF but try to put the worry out of your mind and just act normally and treat her well. I'd pass on the flowers because that seems like it's coming on a little strong. It sounds like you're thinking way too much about this. Don't think about all the ways you could fail because you will just make it happen. Good luck.
should I bring her flowers (if I do it'd be a single rose, but that seems tacky)?

That seems a little over the top to me, but that's just my perspective.

should I try to hold her hand at the movie?

That's a tough one. If she weren't so reserved then I would think that sort of thing might just happen "naturally." Maybe you can break her out of her shell. It would seem weird to attempt that sort of thing if you two haven't talked a lot/gotten to know eachother. I would in general advise against going to a movie for a first date. There's not much chance to talk. Are you two old enough to drink? I would say just go out somewhere for some drinks. That way you could talk and at the same time get some liquid courage. Whatever you do, BE FUNNY; chicks love that shit.
First date dude, I wouldn't do flowers or try and hold her hand. Seriously, just relax. She's impossible to read because she's a girl, and none of us know what they want. Don't worry about pleasing her; if she likes you, then just being with you will be enough for her. And don't be concerned about getting yourself out of the "friend zone" on a first date. For now, it's expected that that's what your relationship will be like. The best thing for you is patience.
The reservation thing may be connected to her being ethnically Chinese (they tend to be quiet), which is actually something that worried me since she may not be open to race mingling if you know what I mean, but she said yes so we'll see...A movie was just what I defaulted to because I didn't know what else to do. She's 20 and I'm 18, so there's no chance for casual drinks (either of us could obtain alcohol but it could not be consumed in a casual setting). I'm hoping we can talk at dinner afterward. Being funny is my main strength.
Dude, I'm so excited for you. If you two ever become an item, watch out for her dad. Chinese dads are...scary.
No pics till she's willing to have her picture taken with me. I'm unlikely to meet her father; she lives with her aunt and uncle.
It's really hot here and I've been up since 5.30am working like a chump in the fucking HEAT and it's been hot for like 5 days in a row now and it's gonna be around 30-35°C for at least another week and I'm sick to death of fucking stupid annoying customers who don't even offer me a fucking cool drink and I'm tired and sweating and it's HOT and argh.