The Whining and Bitching Thread

Well, if guys had 'em the world would be a better, albeit stranger, place. Seriously. Guys are easy to understand; they only ever want about three different things. Women are a mystery wrapped in an enigma and twisted into a puzzle box containing a cryptogram of a riddle.
It never gets better. I've been with the same girl two years, and just tonight I had such a strong urge to just choke her. I wouldn't, but it would make sense. What she was saying did not. Ugh@women. Ugh@most things. Why do you think there are never any cool chicks in bands or that write worthwhile lyrics? The only things we say about women here are 'she's hot', but never 'she was a very intelligent, thought provoking individual' or 'she wrote some of the deepest, most beautiful things I've ever heard'. They're caught up in themselves...and penises don't care about that.
Well, if guys had 'em the world would be a better, albeit stranger, place. Seriously. Guys are easy to understand; they only ever want about three different things. Women are a mystery wrapped in an enigma and twisted into a puzzle box containing a cryptogram of a riddle.

Don't give them that much praise, you are just making them seem more complex than they really are because you are an over-analyzer..once you figure them out they are very simple creatures
Well to make a nerdy analogy, I see women as certain theories of science..we can predict and understand certain behaviors and patterns..but in the end we really don't know why these forces exist or happen, but just accept it as part of nature..

And WAIF I forgot to ask you, do you ever take initiative to make plans with the women or do you wait for them to approach you? I apologize if I'm incorrect but I'm getting the feeling you are slightly passive when it comes to the flirt game (remember you always want the ball in your court)
Obviously in this case I took the initiative. Quick recap: Tuesday, I asked her out. She said yes. Next day she called me, said no. Thursday we agreed to forget the whole thing. Today she called me and said she wanted to go after all.

Yes, I took the initiative, but when she said no I stopped. Because that's the kind of guy I am.

That said, I am totally passive in many ways, by no means limited to flirting. However, when sufficiently motivated I can usually get what I want. My life tends to work out alright, just not quite as well as I'd like.
The weather is fucking depressing. November is the worst month of the year , long enervating darkness and one or two hours of grey mess as substitute for sunlight each day. I always feel like I'm being choked in November :erk:
I can agree if it's a crisp rainy summer/early autumn day, that's kinda romantic and melancholic in an epic way. The weather this time of year I for some reason only connect with depressing social realism; some asshole sitting in all day watching stupid tv-shows and beating his wife and kids before falling asleep drunk on the sofa.
Novembers in Maryland are usually mild, humid, and not too bright. I love them. Besides, after getting frostbite on all my fingers every Saturday it really doesn't feel that cold.
maybe once you stop dressing up like a girl for halloween ya faggot

You're totally right. I must love the cock because I had fun on a holiday doing something many men do on that holiday.

Are you the guy who's too cool to dance and you just stand with a beer in one hand and watch everyone while they have a good time? You must have so much fun.
Why do you think there are never any cool chicks in bands or that write worthwhile lyrics?

They exist, but they only date assholes, as demonstrated in this figure:
