The Whining and Bitching Thread

couple days I ranted about my fucking anxiety problms, especially around people.
well heres a bit more of a rant:

There is this girl ive known for years. we dated once, in the early years of high school ( grade 8? lol ) . Anyways, ive been in love with her since,Many times I have tried to get together with her again, but my social horribleness forbid it. SO a week 1/2 ago she broke up with her boyfriend, and yeah. So tonight, we talked again. she was saying the usual break up shit like " i feel so worthless, he threw me away like garbage" etc etc etc.garble garble garble.

So somehow, I manage to sneak in my " he's a fucking idiot, many guys would do anything to have what he had" shes like " o hahaha, like who? " then I said " Me". that isn;t the problem, she then proceeded to say " that makes sense, especially how you always hang out with me" ( this was sarcastic, because I always avoid gatherings with anyone, including her) so yeah, then I of course spill the juices about my fucking social phobias etc.

POINT OF THIS ALL? I dont know. this really bothers me. I cant even get with the girl I fucking love because of my mental shit. Fuck me in the ass sideways ah fuck

You're scared of girls?
Dammit I just got a citation from campus police for not yielding to a pedestrian. The irony of it all is that I always yield to them and before I bought my jeep I was always a pedestrian. As a matter of fact about 3 months ago I was almost run over on my bike by some douche in a white pick-up in an alley.
At least the police on your campus do their jobs. NYS law states that you have to yield to pedestrians in the cross walk, but even the police and buses on my campus didn't do it. There was also one time when I almost got run over by a car ON THE SIDEWALK, because the driveways to some parking lots cross over the sidewalks. I didn't even know the car was behind me, because the road runs parallel to the sidewalk, then while stepping onto the driveway part, they honked their horn scaring the crap out of me and then they made a quick 90° turn and cut me off. If I didn't jump back, I would have been clocked by the passenger side mirror. I really should have reported the driver to the police, but I probably didn't have my phone with me.
At least the police on your campus do their jobs. NYS law states that you have to yield to pedestrians in the cross walk, but even the police and buses on my campus didn't do it. There was also one time when I almost got run over by a car ON THE SIDEWALK, because the driveways to some parking lots cross over the sidewalks. I didn't even know the car was behind me, because the road runs parallel to the sidewalk, then while stepping onto the driveway part, they honked their horn scaring the crap out of me and then they made a quick 90° turn and cut me off. If I didn't jump back, I would have been clocked by the passenger side mirror. I really should have reported the driver to the police, but I probably didn't have my phone with me.

The messed up thing is that that same day I was crossing the same street I got the citation for and to no surprise this bitch in a blue mini van didn't even think of yielding to me while I was about half way across the street, and no one stopped her.
I also think that the officer that issued the citation is dyslexic, I didn't have insure and on the paper he put "Worning for no insurance"

Anyways.....I was just thinking earlier that the justice system is really stupid. Not because of the ticket that I got but because I was thinking about all my friends who are either in jail/prison or probation for marijuana related issues. Even in the 21st century the white man is still as fucking retarded as randy moss to not realize that mixing pot heads (who are not criminals) with real life felons only breeds more problems.
So I guess I can be a little lazy at work and slack off a bit at times, so I was actually pulled into the office yesterday and told "We've noticed lately that you've not been doing your job properly, blah blah, we just need you more focused or else we'll be putting you up front more frequently."

Okay, no big deal. Today was shipment day, I was the photo tech. on duty - if photo got busy it should be understood I wouldn't be able to put truck away very quickly.


Everyone seemed to be treating me as if I were a little kid and kept reminding me to get my water and drink cart put away, and I kept telling them "Taking care of a photo customer, I'll get to it when I'm done."

Also while working on my cart I was speaking to my department supervisor, mind you I am shelving the drinks WHILE talking. No big deal. So I ended up asking him about starting a system where each photo tech would be responsible for 2 of the doors within the cooler that way we can keep it kept up more efficiently and the work wouldn't fall all onto one person who was just unlucky enough to be asked to clean it that day.

We pitch the idea to a manager and he approves it so we go ahead and assign the two door sections to each of the techs and move along.

Photo happened to be busy today, so it took me a little bit longer than expected. Around 3 I tried to find someone who could run the ink cartridges so I could finish my work, and no one could so I ended up having to go and on my way to go do them I was again stopped and questioned by a non-management employee about my cart.

"I just have a few things to put back in the stockroom, most of it is overstock."

"You should have had that done a long time ago"

"I've been being called to photo to help customers all day, I had to give people their lunch and 15 minute breaks, and I had my own lunch. I will get it done as soon as possible."

My department supervisor steps over and asks her to not question his employees as it isn't her place.

So I get back around 3:40 after having filled the inkjet cartridges, and finish up my cart and then get the photo department cleaned up so I could go for the day. After putting away the returns I go to let my manager know that I was leaving, and while doing so I asked him if he thought I did any better than I had been doing - and he tells me "Yes, but that cooler idea was a distraction - you don't need to be doing things like that on truck day."


Fuck a manager, fuck a bitchy register employee, fuck a Walgreens.
How big is your store?

At mine we always have one guy in photo who's also responsible for facing aisles 7+8 (cooler, freezer, medicine, snacks, food, dental, foot care, condoms) and helping to stock any carts being worked there. Mine is on the small side, I think, only 8 aisles. I always close and we do it with 4 employees plus a manager (photo, cosmetics, a cashier, and someone who does backup and miscellaneous shit, usually me), and there are never more than 10 people working, including managers (but not counting ********, those elitist fucks).

EDIT: :lol: at the censorship, I completely forgot we can't use that word. Farmacy.
We have 10 aisles each with a back and a front section, pretty decently sized store.

Photo techs are responsible for facing 10, 9, and 8 and the cooler/freezer (food, snacks, stationary for the front aisles, cough and cold, vitamins/incontinence, and baby for the back aisles.)

We usually only have about 4 people on each shift. Manager, photo, front register, and cosmetics (in addition to the phamracy tech and pharmacist.)

However on truck day we have, usually, 1 manager from open to 4, 1 manager from 10-6, 1 photo tech from open to 4, 2 other techs from 10-6 usually strictly for truck, 1 register clerk from open to 4, 2 cosmetics people from 8-4 or 10-6, and then the 4 people for closing.
You guys have it way more structured. Our shifts tend to be fairly fluid; a couple hours at main, stock some shit, whatever.
I take it you get trucks during the day? That must be nice. We get them at night...although at least that way we don't have to work the stuff from the truck right gets left for the people who open and by the time I come in it's almost all gone.

What are the store hours? Mine is 7-11.

Anyhow, you shouldn't be complaining - your manager actually listened to your idea and approved it. I get along fine with my bosses, but I wouldn't bother trying something like that. Although with one of them, he's so busy making sure the lazy dudes do their shit that as long as I do my shit, I can do it however I want.
Yeah, we usually get truck in around 10:30-12:00 or so and our average size is about 5-600 pieces though today ours was about 850 because we had about 250 cases of water come in.

Store hours are 8-10 Monday-Friday, 9-9 Sundays. Holiday hours will be 8-12 though.

Yeah, I guess I was just upset that I was being constantly checked on all day by non-management people and bitched at for not getting everything done quickly when I had to run photo in addition to our shipment.