The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's not scanning now. I know I have virus-scan turned on, but it only does it every so often. I don't have any viruses, so I'll turn it off and see how that goes. Thanks.

I'm kind of nervous that it's spyware or something though. I'm not really sure how that stuff works. If it keeps up hopefully I can have someone look at it.
My internet has been majorly gaying recently. Usually cuts out after about 5 minutes. Gonna try messing with the settings tonight, see if anything works.

Panzer, you have a really intense life. Try to be more chill, I guess.
Einherjar: Google the program "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware", d/l and install it, and run a full scan on every disc drive inside and outside (connected to/external) your comp.
MalwareBytes is the best. It is the only thing I've known to be able to get rid of those fucking fake spyware scanners I got from the M-A hacker a few months back.
If it's just anxiety, which I have a bad case of...there's not much I can say man. I took 5 or 6 different medications for it that didn't help. My gf called 911 a couple years back because she thought I was dying when I had an attack. I was fine, but they get extreme. You learn to start handling it though. It's hard, and sometimes even I go through them despite getting better control over it. A couple shots or some weed sort of helps sometimes, but even then...that's a lot of why I don't sleep. I'm on here a lot to waste time because I can't get comfortable. I can't breathe...can't describe it. It's hell, and I sympathize with you.

Yeah dude it does suck. My mom had full on Panic Attacks for a long time. I'm still just getting warmed up, so to say.I think I have more of Agoraphobia then panic attacks though.Like when Im going to go see somebody my heart races,my stomach hurts, I start sweating and over analyzing the situation, which usually leads to bad things. But yeah man that what you describe there sucks...It really is paralyzing
That's because you're a weak faggot. Also, I sent you a friend request and you should accept that fast.

No, you're a cock sucker.

Friend request accepted...we have Very High musical compatibility, which can only mean that we must mate and create the perfect metal child. :)
No, you're a cock sucker.

Friend request accepted...we have Very High musical compatibility, which can only mean that we must mate and create the perfect metal child. :)

Not really, because Very Good is not that good, because I have the entire full bar fillen with super compability with Ray Cook-ta for example, and other less super compabilities with grand-magus (which is Rumpole I think?) and Koudels Hat, so fuck you, and I'll get some of em pregnant. Or Tara because I like her, but she's already pregnant with someone else tbh.
Not really, because Very Good is not that good, because I have the entire full bar fillen with super compability with Ray Cook-ta for example, and other less super compabilities with grand-magus (which is Rumpole I think?) and Koudels Hat, so fuck you, and I'll get some of em pregnant. Or Tara because I like her, but she's already pregnant with someone else tbh.

The difference is my extremely good looks and my ability to survive extreme blows to the head.

EDIT: I used 'extreme' twice in that sentence. XXXXXXTREME!
couple days I ranted about my fucking anxiety problms, especially around people.
well heres a bit more of a rant:

There is this girl ive known for years. we dated once, in the early years of high school ( grade 8? lol ) . Anyways, ive been in love with her since,Many times I have tried to get together with her again, but my social horribleness forbid it. SO a week 1/2 ago she broke up with her boyfriend, and yeah. So tonight, we talked again. she was saying the usual break up shit like " i feel so worthless, he threw me away like garbage" etc etc etc.garble garble garble.

So somehow, I manage to sneak in my " he's a fucking idiot, many guys would do anything to have what he had" shes like " o hahaha, like who? " then I said " Me". that isn;t the problem, she then proceeded to say " that makes sense, especially how you always hang out with me" ( this was sarcastic, because I always avoid gatherings with anyone, including her) so yeah, then I of course spill the juices about my fucking social phobias etc.

POINT OF THIS ALL? I dont know. this really bothers me. I cant even get with the girl I fucking love because of my mental shit. Fuck me in the ass sideways ah fuck
couple days I ranted about my fucking anxiety problms, especially around people.
well heres a bit more of a rant:

There is this girl ive known for years. we dated once, in the early years of high school ( grade 8? lol ) . Anyways, ive been in love with her since,Many times I have tried to get together with her again, but my social horribleness forbid it. SO a week 1/2 ago she broke up with her boyfriend, and yeah. So tonight, we talked again. she was saying the usual break up shit like " i feel so worthless, he threw me away like garbage" etc etc etc.garble garble garble.

So somehow, I manage to sneak in my " he's a fucking idiot, many guys would do anything to have what he had" shes like " o hahaha, like who? " then I said " Me". that isn;t the problem, she then proceeded to say " that makes sense, especially how you always hang out with me" ( this was sarcastic, because I always avoid gatherings with anyone, including her) so yeah, then I of course spill the juices about my fucking social phobias etc.

POINT OF THIS ALL? I dont know. this really bothers me. I cant even get with the girl I fucking love because of my mental shit. Fuck me in the ass sideways ah fuck

Dammit I just got a citation from campus police for not yielding to a pedestrian. The irony of it all is that I always yield to them and before I bought my jeep I was always a pedestrian. As a matter of fact about 3 months ago I was almost run over on my bike by some douche in a white pick-up in an alley. least the judge is female.......