The Whining and Bitching Thread

Sucks when i think i downloaded a super awesome and new pr0n scene and it ends up being in AVI format. Not too familiar with that format since i try to download WMP, but all i get is sound:cry:
Tell your family to stop talking then?
My dad and brother dislike subtitles, but for the most part, neither of them have too much of an issue about talking and interrupting, at least not when they're watching the movie.

I insist on subtitles anyway though because we have four miniature pinschers who will spontaneously and furiously howl anytime they see someone walking or biking past the house, hear a neighbor's dog, see a cat, or basically anything at all happens anywhere.

The only person who is generally a disruption is my mom, because when a woman goes into talk mode, it's all over. When this happens, she will stand right in front of me, simultaneously blocking my view of the screen and talking over anything that I might otherwise have any hope of hearing.

As is consistent with authentic woman cognition, when she talks about anything at all, it is a complicated and time consuming process. For those of you who don't have moms, wives or girlfriends, this is what you're missing out on:

- broadcast that she has an idea
- tell you what she was doing when she had the idea, or what thought process lead to the idea
- explain that she is telling you now so that she doesn't forget later
- finally tell you what the idea is
- explain that you should probably do it now "since you're not doing anything"
- describe what the consequences might be if you don't do it vs. if you just don't do it right now
- remind you not to forget
- conclude the idea sharing process by repeating the conversation out loud exactly as it happened the first time
- wait until now to ask if you're listening
- repeat again because she isn't convinced that you were listening the first and second time
- "that reminds me" (begins new idea)
- ignore previous topic and debate with self aloud in your direction about new topic
- possibly decide that original idea is unnecessary
- return to kitchen to continue thinking out loud
- provide running commentary of environment by narrating everything she does, everything that happens around her and the mutual impact that she and the environment have on each other
- consult dogs for insight
- receive dogs' criticism or approval by speaking on their behalf in a disguised voice
- repeat process

She also is most likely to have the idea to water her plants or take care of the lizards when I'm either watching the TV or playing video games. Such a (relatively) quiet process wouldn't be much of an issue, except that the lizards and many plants are along the wall between the TV and the viewer, so it is impossible to interact with them without blocking the TV viewer's line of sight. She does have the consideration to remind me "you might want to pause that," which would actually be a good idea if it weren't a cut scene or a TV show that she was blocking.
Sucks when i think i downloaded a super awesome and new pr0n scene and it ends up being in AVI format. Not too familiar with that format since i try to download WMP, but all i get is sound:cry:


Srsly read the media player thread brah.

And that's probably the only amusing thing BMWG has posted. Mainly because it's worryingly true. Minus the dog part with my mum.
Jesus christ BMWG has been tldring this forum like crazy. Just kill your family and buy and asian hooker and all your problems will be solved.

My hands are covered with ink. I wanted to do a crazy inkblot think, but I had nothing, so I sawed the end of a sharpie off and used the ink tube. I just washed them and parts are still black. Ugh.
Before I was stressing out because they were going to call me, and now I'm stressing out because they haven't. It wouldn't be so hard if it didn't feel like every job I find interesting is going to be taking a huge risk.
Yeah, they e-mailed me and said I'm supposed to e-mail them back if I'm still interested, and then they call me. I applied with this company once before and I forget how long it took them to call, but I know it wasn't more than like three days. I really, really want to work for this company, I just wish it was full-time. It's got full-time benefits apparently, I'm just worried about hours since I'd have to commute an hour and a half. IDK if it's worth giving up the two jobs I have now for.

I want to go back to being 16, when the most important thing was the fact that your favorite band sucks like soooo hard next to mine, like omg.
God I fucking hate when classical music pieces are compared to metal. Like in a "you would like this, that's almost like metal" manner.

EDIT: Also, why am I so fucking tired all the time. I slept like 13 hours today and still I'm tired. Fuck, I'm gonna buy cigs and get drunk to get in a better mood. There were times when this has always worked, not anymore though.

EDIT2: I'm getting old.
EDIT: Also, why am I so fucking tired all the time. I slept like 13 hours today and still I'm tired. Fuck, I'm gonna buy cigs and get drunk to get in a better mood. There were times when this has always worked, not anymore though.

I have the same problem too, the only way to avoid it is to sleep around 7-8 hours and then FORCE yourself to go up (it's hard) and then after about 30-45 minutes you should feel pretty awake

It works a lot better if you set your alarm clock all the way across the room so you have to walk out of bed to turn it off..problem is I just go straight back to bed...

Now when it comes to the working day, for some reason I'm much more motivated to wake up in a timely manner..I spose subconsciously I am aware of my poor attendance and don't want to risk getting fired