The Whining and Bitching Thread

It works a lot better if you set your alarm clock all the way across the room so you have to walk out of bed to turn it off..problem is I just go straight back to bed...
I do the exact same thing. I can always get up if I have a test that day or a flight to catch or something, but if it's just not wanting to get up at 3 PM I have a hard time. I found the best way of forcing myself to get up is scheduling to go get coffee/breakfast with one of my roommates so I feel obligated to wake up.

Lighten up, she's not that bad

I have the same problem too, the only way to avoid it is to sleep around 7-8 hours and then FORCE yourself to go up (it's hard) and then after about 30-45 minutes you should feel pretty awake

It works a lot better if you set your alarm clock all the way across the room so you have to walk out of bed to turn it off..problem is I just go straight back to bed...

Now when it comes to the working day, for some reason I'm much more motivated to wake up in a timely manner..I spose subconsciously I am aware of my poor attendance and don't want to risk getting fired

On occassions I've prepared notes the night before saying stuff like "DON'T GO BACK TO THE FUCKING BED NOW", and then it works pretty well actually.
When will it stop snowing!!!? We got like 1 foot of snow recently and today it's snowing quite a lot again...Looks like it's going to be fun tomorrow, buses will be late (I'll have too freeze outside waiting for it to come), traffic will be annoying and it'll take forever to get to work. I will likely be full of snow because of waiting for the bus which will melt on me and result in me being all wet and unconfortable for like 2 hours at work.
Get ready for a tl;dr rant. I am annoyed.

I am getting seriously fucking fed up with my generation and their attachment to cell phones. It is fucking maddening. I tried hanging out with my brother today and he would not stop texting the entire time. We would be walking through Best Buy and I would turn to say something to him and he was 30 feet behind me stopped in the middle of an aisle texting. It is like this constantly. People I work with fuck up their jobs because they are too busy texting. They sneak the phones out on the production floor lest they miss a precious text!

Later, I was trying to watch a movie, again with my brother, and he keeps texting the whole time. He then about halfway through without explanation gets up and calls someone. I pause it and wait. He comes back, and 20 minutes later does it again.

What the fuck is wrong with people? I can be in the middle of a conversation with someone and they will interrupt to me to reply to a text or answer an unimportant call. The phone always takes priority. FUCK. I am seriously agitated right now. Fuck this generation and fuck cell phones.

Another thing I am sick of is getting shit from people for not wanting to take part in things I have zero interest in. Maybe I am just a grumpy bitter ass hole or something but I have no interest in doing 90% of the things people my age seem to want to do. No, I do not want to go dancing. No I do not want to go bar hopping. No I do not want to go to a party with a bunch of drunk strangers and bad music. I also loathe the idea of going out to "pick up chicks" or going to a bar to try and "get laid". This so called "hook up" culture is really gross to me and often draws comments questioning my sexuality. I am fed up of being made to look like some sort of dick because I do not choose to engage in these activities.

I feel like I have nothing in common with people my age and it is very frustrating.

/end rant where I appear to be an asshole, or a fag, or some sort of dick.
itt: Evil likes cock.

Just kidding brah, you're still cool.

My whine for the day, no one has set anything up tonight. So I'm spending new years eve alone and drinking myself into oblivion. Ah well. It's not like I actually give a shit about new years, but it kinda feels bad knowing 70% of the population are going to be having a good time.
English, evidently? Never had cider or ale, heavenly as it may sound.

You bastards came to my country and gave us rum and whiskey. Why wouldn't you drink that instead ? :D
@Evil: I know what you mean. I've seen that many times, 12 year old kids carrying blackberries or iphones, and are on the phone all the time texting, showing off to their friends. I fucking hate that, it's just disgusting, i just wanna punch them.