The Whining and Bitching Thread

Oh my god, it is freezing in this office. I swear they've been keeping the thermostat at like 55F for us lately.
itunes has totally fucked up my music folder.
it has for some reason copied band names and made seperate folders for them while having the albums in that folder and still showing the albums in the main folder.
I want to stab a baby because of this bullshit
itunes has totally fucked up my music folder.
it has for some reason copied band names and made seperate folders for them while having the albums in that folder and still showing the albums in the main folder.
I want to stab a baby because of this bullshit

This is why I don't rely solely on itunes to organize all of my music. :lol:
My itunes library is split into two separate libraries which is extremely annoying...
I use iTunes simply because I have an iPod, but frankly I've never had any problems with it.

I used winamp for a while but I didn't like the fact that the album artwork you put onto music in it only applies within winamp itself; cover art won't show up on iPod etc.
What's the difference? I just bought an iPod so I have to start using iTunes.

itunes is obviously designed to exploit the superiority of every MacIntosh component and operating system. Coupled with a superior user (ie. pretentious nerdy Mac fanboy), the result is sheer perfection.
I have just started using iTunes and have no trouble with it. I think what this forum needs is another "what music program do you use" thread.
iTunes isn't that great, and kinda slow.

I only really use it for my ipod. For just listening to music, Foobar is my choice.