The Whining and Bitching Thread

I stayed up until 4:00 AM last night and set my alarm clock for 1:30 PM because I wasn't scheduled to work until 3:00 PM today. However, the phone started ringing off the hook at 8:00 AM. Every single time it jolted me awake and I would listen to person leaving the message on the answering machine before deciding it wasn't important and then going back to sleep only for the phone to ring again, jolting me back awake like half an hour later. I finally gave up trying to sleep and got out of bed at noon. Ironically, the phone hasn't rung since, but it doesn't even matter because the possibility for me to get a decent night of sleep has already been ruined. As if that isn't bad enough, two of the calls are from my brother's employer asking him to come in on his day off to cover for someone who called in sick, but by the time he woke up and called them at 1:30 PM, they had already decided to close down for the day. Two more calls are from my own employer asking me to come in early, but not even to cover for someone ASAP. They just decided to wake me up in the middle of the morning to ask if I could come in at 2:45 instead of 3:00.

I don't know which two, but two of the calls even interupted dreams that I was very interested in finishing. One of them was me on some sort of Prince of Persia type obstacle course in which I was either chasing someone, being chased, or looking for some significant item. The second time I was watching a female assassin being ambushed by enemy soldiers, right before making her escape around a corner. After the soldiers had left I walked around the same corner and then decided to go to the bathroom in a public bathroom. Upon entering, I discovered that the female assassin was taking a shower in one of the toilet stalls :)lol:). Then she opened the door to let me in and upon discovering that we were both naked for some reason, we started having sex right there.
That will never happen to me because I don't have a phone in my flat and I never get into deep sleep so I don't dream.

I'll have a whine now about all these people who can sleep easily and have a refreshing nights sleep. One of the most annoying things for a Chronic Insomniac to hear is how easily people get to sleep and the pleasure they have sleeping.
I can't get to work for 9.30am in the week because of the amount of school traffic near to where I live. It's a 30 minute walk to the train station and when i've got a full day of manual work to do, I don't want to be wasting energy and bus times, although 100% reliable are dependent on the unpredictable nature of traffic.

Parents of today are selfish, inconsiderate *'s. They play their silly games of seeing how congested they can get the roads in the mornings and don't consider that other people have to get to places.
so almost every semester for the past few years I've been using these savings bonds my mom bought when I was a little kid to help defray a bit of the costs for college. before each semester I'd go to the bank and cash in a few.

so I go to the bank yesterday with four savings bonds, hand them to the teller and she says, "We can't take these. These are only Payable on Death." She hands them back to me and sure enough, under my mom's name and old address it says "POD" and then my name. This is the first time it's ever happened. I go home, look it up on the treasury dept's website and there it is.

but I'm persistent. so I go back today hoping for another teller. One of my favorites is there. I waltz up to her and hand her the bonds. she looks them over and gives me the same schpeel. I groan in frustration and tell her the bank's cashed em in for me before, and she said that must've been an oversight.

so the only way I can get my money is for my mom to cash them in. the problem is that she's confined to a wheelchair because she had foot surgery and can't get out of the house. oh, and she doesn't really have a physical's all done online

Fuck that sucks unknown, just keep hounding them until something happens!

My parents and grandparents got me some savings bonds when I was really young but they had to sell them off a few years ago :/
Unfortunately, the police force and military are appealing to the types of people who need to compensate for a sense of inadequacy by putting themselves in a position of power and imposing their perceived dominance on others. I can't even think of an effective way to screen for these types of people, because we can't really afford to have a police force and military full of push overs, either.

Not a pushover =/= ignorant asshole.
Ugh, this sucks. I found out just tonight that Pentagram and The Gates of Slumber are playing a show this Friday and I am pretty sure I have to close at work :(
itt too many kids

In other relevant news, I asked for my birthday (March 16, bitches) off with a vacation day from Walgreens...meaning I get paid to be legally drunk. FUCK YEAH.
I was gonna check into my online class for the first time to see what the fuck's up with shit and shit and the host my college is using is running a fucking SIX HOUR MAINTENANCE GOD DAMMIT!!!! If this weekly or even nightly thing I won't be able to get my homework done, like ever.
I feel like I missed out on the Walgreens love there.

Speaking of personal days...I was scheduled to close on both Thursday and Friday, as usual. At around 2 PM on thursday my EXA called me and said the truck had been changed from 8 AM friday to 4 AM friday and asked me to come in and work it (and by asked I mean told). She then changed my hours on thursday from 3 to 11:30 to 3 to 6...and put me in for a personal day for the rest. By the time I realized this, it was already done. I probably wouldn't have used it, but still...fuck. Also, waking up at 3 AM sucks. I'm usually still awake then...