The Whining and Bitching Thread

My girlfriend recently got a ticket while driving home at night after work. The ticket was for not having her headlights on.

I've been pulled over for not having my headlights on and did not get a ticket or anything. I was trying to figure out why was being pulled over before the cop came up to my window and could not for the life of me. The cop said something like do you know why you're being pulled over and I said 'no idea'. :) did not realize my dashboard was not lit up which should have indicated my lights were not on
I don't think I've ever posted in this thread. Here's a post for the sole purpose of posting one.
Post-postity posting goodness.

You''ve got to excuse me; I'm bored at work.
Cars parking on pavements are really annoying me. I nearly ripped my Barcelona shirt trying to get passed a car parked on the pavement. Although I made the passengers feel uncomfortable by banging on the bonnet and shouting "footpaths are for pedestrians".

Once again this is another example of drivers thinking that they always have priority and treat people who don't have cars as inferior.
Apparently I twisted my ankle or something in my sleep, because I woke up and haven't been able to move it without dull pain all over my foot. Fucking awesome!
Oh man I found out I'm actually off Friday and Saturday! So I'm going to go see Pentagram/The Gates of Slumber/Acid Witch on Friday and then go out to eat at this expensive as fuck Brazilian steak house for my uncle's 40th birthday that Saturday.
I am just really fucking furious at my fucking girlfriend at the moment. This relationship is incredibly, incredibly difficult and taxing. Furthermore, please don't suggest "uh end it then" because I can't and won't.
I'm sure there are surgical procedures that could turn her into a vegetable....
You could stay in the relationship and at the same time not have to deal with anymore shit. Everybody wins.
I am just really fucking furious at my fucking girlfriend at the moment. This relationship is incredibly, incredibly difficult and taxing. Furthermore, please don't suggest "uh end it then" because I can't and won't.

Hopefully she'll come to her senses or something :/ what exactly is going on?
My girlfriend is a sufferer of severe emotional trauma, so the relationship is very difficult. Obviously you guys don't hear about the good parts because when we're having fun we're too busy having fun and doing stuff for me to post about it. :p

She just keeps pushing me away and I know it's just a defense mechanism to deal with her distress, but it's hurtful to me.

Example: All weekend we've been discussing what we're gonna do when we hang out tomorrow. We were talking about it fine and we were pretty psyched. Then about 10 minutes later, out of nowhere, she texted me something like "i'm not coming tomorrow. i'm really unhappy." Now I know this probably isn't true, it is likely just a manifestation of her current state of mind and it'll blow over, because it usually does (yes this kind of thing happens fairly often; welcome to my world); in the morning she will probably apologize and feel really bad for what she'd said, and she'll come over and it'll be fine. But there is clearly a deeper problem, and she's already in therapy and everything and supposedly I help too, but it's hard to take the person telling me I help seriously when 5 seconds afterwards she could be telling me she is completely unhappy and hates herself.

It sucks. And I'm not giving up on her. I know I sound stubborn, but she deserves someone like me. Her entire life she's never been able to trust anyone, and I know she trusts me and loves me, but sometimes she hurts me pretty goddamned bad and I can't just brush it off because I spend 100% of my time showing her that I care and love her and to have it all deconstructed in an instant by something she probably doesn't even mean...well, it's not fun.
I am just really fucking furious at my fucking girlfriend at the moment. This relationship is incredibly, incredibly difficult and taxing. Furthermore, please don't suggest "uh end it then" because I can't and won't.

Okay... on a serious note... girls like that want to know they can trust in you... that they cant push hard enough to push you away.

My girlfriend has her moments of depression and she says she wants to be alone... but she really doesnt.

She lives a good 15 minute drive away from my house... and in the first months of our relationship, she tried to walk home a handful of times.

If you really love her and she really loves you man... just show up. Even if she tells you not to... fuck, especially when she says not to. Eventually, it'll stick in her mind that you'll be there for her no matter what and it'll make things easier on both of you.
How long has she been getting therapy and does it seem to be making much of an improvement? At least you're doing the best you can, thats really great, and even though she may not see that all the time, it still probably helps quite a bit.

Just try to do what you can to cool down and what not, at least its not like this is happening out of nowhere, since similar things have happened in the past. Or maybe you could use the anger as fuel for music stuff as well.

I'm sure things will clear up soon enough though, just do your best to get your mind off of it. Btw, what ever happened to Soldrom?