The Whining and Bitching Thread

Later, I was trying to watch a movie, again with my brother, and he keeps texting the whole time. He then about halfway through without explanation gets up and calls someone. I pause it and wait. He comes back, and 20 minutes later does it again.

Is your brother a drug dealer? :lol:

I know a few people who jump at texts/calls on their cell phone like A.D.D. chimpanzees, but fortunately none of my close friends are like that. Usually when my phone rings and I'm in the middle of something I just look who's calling and then silence it. Unless the person calls you multiple times in quick succession to indicate that it's an emergency, most phone calls are not important enough to rudely interrupt an ongoing conversation for.
Unless I'm really engaged in something I will take the call, but I don't get a whole lot of calls so it doesn't really interfere with anything. I have a friend who is always texting even when I am talking to him. It's annoying but nothing I could say would make him stop so I've learned to live with it. He's one of those guys that never wants to be alone so he is always contacting people. For people like me (and I assume Evil) that would be exhausting and irritating.
I make a point out of leaving the cell in my jacket when I visit someone. I really fucking hate when people have to have their phones in their hands all the time, lay off and hang out instead.
No I do not want to go bar hopping. No I do not want to go to a party with a bunch of drunk strangers and bad music. I also loathe the idea of going out to "pick up chicks" or going to a bar to try and "get laid". This so called "hook up" culture is really gross to me and often draws comments questioning my sexuality. I am fed up of being made to look like some sort of dick because I do not choose to engage in these activities. .

Sums up my thoughts, as well.

And I only recently started texting with some regularity, and it annoys me when I'm in the middle of dinner or talking with a friend and that happens to either myself or the others. Total alienation.
I can't stand seeing 12 year olds using their cellphones that their parents bought them because they think they need them
Jesus, what a braindead druggie one of my roommates is. I just heard him stumble out of the bathroom rapping out to the empty hallway, "Wh-wh-wha-wh-what-whaaaaat? Wh-wh-wha-wh-whhaaaaaaat??" He talks to himself constantly, and it's absolutely pathetic.

Loving fuck, this guy should not be allowed to breed. He is about 30% of the reason I am moving out of this loony bin in a few days.
So not much of an improvement over that chick you lived with?

When it comes down to personalities alone, this dum-dum is far more tolerable than Miss Princess from last year. The main reason I'm leaving is actually because he and his buddies party here about every other night and are constantly making noise. That drives me insane far more than the mere personality clash.

You should just live by yourself, brah

And look like the following?

My Denon audio video receiver died over the week-end. I just had 1500$ of taxes to pay before christmas, I didn't need this to happen to happen as well.