The Whining and Bitching Thread

I want to see an album cover by an extreme metal band that has a cat on it.
With all due respect, what is it like to have anxiety problems? I suffer from lethargy and laziness and apathy and I don't get stressed out enough to do basic tasks like keep my apartment clean.

You know how you are pretty nervous and jumpy the first few days at a new job? It never gets better for me, usually.
Mathiäs;8875804 said:
You know how you are pretty nervous and jumpy the first few days at a new job? It never gets better for me, usually.

I should probably talk to my therpist more about anxiety.
I've been trying to correct the lack of energy and focus part and I think I should look more at anxiety.

Thats exacly how it is. You're constantly excited/nervous.
For me it's like a good feeling mixed with a bad that creates this "sick" feeling. Like when you havn't done any work on a project and it is due the next day combined with the feeling of waiting for a good surprise.
:lol: Like a post-orgasm feeling only around your stomach and heart if that makes any sense.

BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!! HA!

Whining and bitching...have to go yell at some more 17 year olds for cleaning time in 5 minutes but today is special - cleaning time is usually 15 minutes but today it's an HOUR, and the hallways are approximately the same temperature as outside (about 5 C/40ish F). Stupid Japan and its lack of central heating, you'd think a country with fucking talking toilets could have warm schools.
What sort of drug? Quite a lot of anti-depressants/anxiolytics can take 2-4 weeks for the effects to kick in. The side effects are, unfortunately, present straight away. Are you having CBT or other therapy as well?

Dunno the name off-hand (can't be arsed to go downstairs and dig out the pills) but they're tiny pink buggers. Side effects are, you guessed it, drowsiness and slight nausea. FML.

With all due respect, what is it like to have anxiety problems? I suffer from lethargy and laziness and apathy and I don't get stressed out enough to do basic tasks like keep my apartment clean.

Getting nervous and afraid, in every day situations... constantly being in fear of something happening, even if it's nothing to be afraid of.

Not to mention I have pretty bad OCD that my aunt (a nurse, who referred me to this new doctor) seems to be under the impression this anxiety medication will fix.
I just looked up some statistics and did some math and discovered that I'm making less than 1/3 of the US median individual income for a 25 year old male with a Bachelor's degree.

The logical answer would be to just get a new job, but it took me five months just to find the one that I have now :erk:
There are colossal faggots driving around the block constantly screaming things at other colossal faggots who are in a parked car right outside my house, some of which are crouching "stealthily" and throwing snowballs at the consistently passing car. It woke me up and I have no doubt it's woken other people up. These colossal idiots are ruining my fucking sleep. I'm about to call the cops.
Fuck the snow. Not only has the snow caused my work to be closed today (thus dicking me out of money), but I got stuck on my way home last night. Now my car is ten miles away at a park and ride just off the interstate.
The snow in Richmond isn't nearly as bad this weekend as it was last weekend, which in turn was only a fraction of what we got in mid-December. The temp was above freezing for the heaviest part of the storm last night, so we mostly got rain. From what my family told me though, they're getting buried in the C'ville area.
I heard like the entire East Coast that isn't New England got totally owned.

My brother in New York said they just got a dusting, and it actually wasn't too right around me. The wind blew a lot of the snow off my driveway so I'm not sure how much snow we got. Maybe a foot or so? Anyway, it was apparently worse just to the south of us. Philly itself, I think, got hit pretty hard, as did South Jersey and Delaware.

The reason my car got stuck is because I stupidly tried to drive home from ~30 miles away after it had been snowing for over an hour. It was pretty bad when I was on I-95, and I guess I was just banking on it not being so bad further north... Once I get off 95 to get home, the roads are very narrow and rural (right beside the canal and the Delaware river). I was probably off 95 for like 30 seconds when I spun out and hit the guard rail. After that, I turned around and really slowly went back to the park and ride just after the off-ramp and called a friend who drives a 4x4 (I drive a Kia Spectra... not great in the snow). I still haven't retrieved it.