The Whining and Bitching Thread

Would it destroy you if he only talked to you that much because he knows you're there for him and care? Men only have 2 ladders, the "Yes" ladder and the "No" ladder.
I don't know. I mean, it wouldn't destroy me, but I'd be hurt a little bit. I am putting forth my time. I am not putting to much hope into this though. I am just trying it out. I want to be in a relationship, but it has to be a "Yes" on both sides of the party. So, yeah.
What's the third ladder, the "I'd fuck her but never date her" ladder?

Women have like 15 ladders.

"I'd fuck him and date him"
"I'd fuck him but I say I don't want to date him but I don't want him to date anyone else"
"I want his genetic material but am not interested in him as a person"
"I want him to want me even though he's on my B-list"
"I will joke with him about sleeping with him but we're just friends with tension"
"I am not attracted to him physically but he'd make a great husband"


Good luck st3333333333ph!
The third ladder is the decision-making ladder, really. So I guess that falls into it.

Case in point.
You're a Swede are you not? Be grateful you're not as hairy as your great grandparents, knitting sweaters and shit out of body hair. Now this whole young generation of sleek slender hairless swedey-boy bullshit has got to end. It's time to go get fucking huge again, get massive and hairy and start carrying melee weapons to and from wherever you go. The past beckons, and only a few can answer that call (call of being a fucking MAN that is), so get to it; grow that fucking beard and rub ice on it to keep it from itching - better yet, let it itch and then go into a rage. There are no Egill Skallagrímsson's in existence now, so take advantage of it and accrue as much property through the defeat of your enemies and sheer testosterone fueled hair driven rages.

Take a train and pillage the shores of the U.K. for fucks sake.

How the fuck did you come up of me being a Swede?

EDIT: I'll try rubbing ice, and tell you if it worked in a couple of weeks.