The Whining and Bitching Thread


So here's how my morning started out:
I wake up about 7:30 because my girlfriend is snoring my eardrums off. This is a common thing for me so I'm kind of used to it. I dick around, cleaning some stuff up, listening to the news in the background on tv, blah blah blah.

So I decide, "Hey, let's do a nice deed and go get Ashley some breakfast!" McDonalds sausage mcmuffins are her favorite so I was like what the hell, I could use some breakfest. But before I could go to McDonalds I needed to get some gas.

So I get to the gas station, slide my card and whatnot, and the pump is asking me to enter my zip code for some reason. So I do, hit enter, and an error message comes up that says invald zip code. I figured it is possible I hit the wrong number even though I recall putting in correctly, so I enter it again and get the same message.

So by now I'm starting to get a bit annoyed because I have to go inside and tell this yuppie that his pump is acting retarded. He tells me he has to slide my card inside because the machine is acting up. I'm a bit annoyed because, to be honest, when things don't work right it's annoying.

So I get gas, drive across the street to McDonalds and there's 3 people in front of me. At this time, it's 10:15, and with only 3 people in front of me there should be plenty of time for me to get through the line. Twenty minutes later, there's one person in front of me still and now it's 10:35 -- McDonalds stops serving breakfast at 10:30 fyi.

I finally get up to the voicebox so I can order, and the first thing I asked was, "You guys are still serving breakfast right?" The guy running the drive-thru says, "No we switched to breakfast." And now is when I get pissed.

I told him that had I not been sitting in line for 20 minutes with only 3 people in front of me I could have ordered the breakfast that I came here to get. No one freakin eats breakfast at 10:30 in the morning, this is ridiculous, and you my friend, whether you care or not, just lost money. Thanks for wasting my time.

I already know that yelling at some dumbass who runs the drive thru isn't exactly a productive way of handling anything, I mean, he probably doesn't give a shit and I dont't blame him. It wasn't his fault but I had to rail in to someone or else I would have a bit too much pent up rage.

So now that I'm breakfastless, I decide to run to Dunkin Donuts because Ashley's second favorite breakfast is their strawberry frosted donuts. Surely Dunkin Donuts will be able to satisfy my needs right?

Heh, not so fast my friend.

I get to the drive thru, and to my amazement there's no one in line. I'm thinking that maybe I'll actually be able to eat something this morning. So I tell the lady what I want -- 6 chocolate frosted, 6 strawberry frosted. She comes back over the speaker and tells me they are out of both.

Cue my head exploding.


GOD, I all fucking want is some goddamn breakfast people. What is so hard about this? DD running out of donuts is just...just fucked up.

So basically all I accomplished this morning was getting only $20 worth of gas at a retarded gas station even though I wanted to fill up, no McDonalds breakfast, no donuts from Dunkin Fuckin Donuts, a large coffe, and an 1/8 of a tank of gas wasted and a massive headache because of these shithead's inability to satisfy their customers.


I NEED DRUGZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also fuck when people say "Not much/Nothin much/etc."
When I ask about what you've been up to FUCKIN' SAY SOMTHING! :lol:
I'm going to start going into the black metal thread and posting about how I like to enjoy a Double Whopper while listening to Dimmu Borgir.