The Whining and Bitching Thread

It absolutely amazes me when someone breaks an item of yours and when you confront them, they deny it even though you seen it with your own two eyes.

Thank you, you black, ghetto piece of trash (I don't mean to sound all racist either because I am not, I am just so mad) for breaking my iPod Touch because I was playing music I liked and no one else in the class did. And first of all, the class I was in was my Independent Studio class and that block, it is my teacher's planning period so it is just me and her in there (usually). This kid was not even supposed to be in this class. But, him and his friends had to get out of class and pretend to want to make up their work and raise their grade.

I personally love to paint, draw, sketch, oil pastel, and think when music is playing. And since I am the only one supposed to be in there, I take advantage of it and don't use my headphones. And according these kids, I was plaing "white people, skin head music" and they were offended. To top this off, my principal is not doing anything about it and this kid refuses to pay for what he did. Awesome, just awesome. I am glad I got to express my feelings towards him infront of everyone.

my pals will always be my pals.

My advice to you: fucking move!
I know that, believe me, I do. The school I go to, there is roughly about 2,300 kids and half of them are black. I mean, I don't care, but there is just a lot that think they run things and I don't like it. Some of the teachers are scared of them. I'm not, I don't care. I am glad this is my last year there. There are some black kids that I get a long quite well with and I hang out with them in school and out, but I would say 97% of the time, I cannot stand any of them.

I just cannot get up and move. Maybe after high school, but I have no place to go as of right now.
Dude, I was not even playing them. I was playing Moonsorrow and a little bit of Goratory. And they were not even supposed to be in there. Well, my teacher did allow them to come in to make up some work, but she clearly stated to them "To leave me alone. And do what they have to do." and they clearly didn't. I didn't say anything to them until after the kid smashed my iPod Touch, which was uncalled for. He could of simply asked me to turn it off, down, or use my headphones and I would of. But I take the advantage of usually having the room to myself and working with some music going without using my headphones. I work way better like that and I don't have to be as careful with getting paint all over my stuff. And now that you mention it, maybe when I get my new iPod Touch, I will just play them. Maybe, just maybe.
I know that, believe me, I do. The school I go to, there is roughly about 2,300 kids and half of them are black. I mean, I don't care, but there is just a lot that think they run things and I don't like it. Some of the teachers are scared of them. I'm not, I don't care. I am glad this is my last year there. There are some black kids that I get a long quite well with and I hang out with them in school and out, but I would say 97% of the time, I cannot stand any of them.

I just cannot get up and move. Maybe after high school, but I have no place to go as of right now.

Black people also fight incredibly dirty as well. I saw a kid get jumped by like 20 black people once. It turned into a massive brawl because my friends and I couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

My best friend is black though so it's not like I'm racist or anything.

Edit: If someone had smashed my ipod, I would have smashed his face into the wall.
i love when people say "i'm not racist or anything" and then proceed to make some race related comment.

not that the comments themselves are racist due to their race related nature, just don't feel the need to say such shit before i make a comment that ISN'T racist
Oh, I am for sure not racist and I didn't mean to be it (if I was), but I am infuriated on what happened and there is nothing I can do about it but go spend more money on a new iPod. And I could really careless if I sound retarded for saying "I am not racist, but blah blah blah, black this and black that.", in general, I am not, but I can be and I guess I was and I don't care. Racism and hate will always be around. I don't approve of it, but it happens.

Dakryn, thanks for the suggestion.

And Mathiäs, I have witnessed the same thing. I never jumped in or anything, but witnessed. I think it is sad. My 13 year old cousin and her friend got jumped by four 17 year old black girls. And the messed up thing, the bus driver heard and seen them yelling things out the windows and still let them out. And just a few weeks ago, this guy was getting jumped by about 10 kids and my mom sat there beeping her horn until they got off the guy and then they pulled a gun out and started to chase my mom. It was insane.
I don't have a bestfriend that is black, but I have a good friend that is one. We were good friends since about 8th grade and he is one cool kid.
Oh you shouldn't give a fuck really, its just something I've always found amusing that people feel the need to say that. Its in the same boat as "Not to be mean but..." or "Not trying to be offensive, but..."
Well, I don't and let's just rephrase on what I said and let's say I meant to say that and I don't care if I seem racist or not because I know what I believe in, stand for, and am. And you do make a point, it is quite stupid for someone to say that and then say something of the sort. I just don't like to seem racist because I am not. But whatever, it doesn't bother me.
It can be, but most of the time it is not. Maybe it is since I have never lived any where but Ohio. It all depends on the city/area you go to. Like, where I live, I wouldn't mind leaving.
Well, I don't and let's just rephrase on what I said and let's say I meant to say that and I don't care if I seem racist or not because I know what I believe in, stand for, and am. And you do make a point, it is quite stupid for someone to say that and then say something of the sort. I just don't like to seem racist because I am not. But whatever, it doesn't bother me.

Exactly. People shouldn't care if their statements are "offensive" or "racist."

If you have an honest opinion that isn't built from stupidity by all means have the fuck out of that opinion! :kickass:
Ohio is kind of like Michigan but with two football teams instead of one. I usually go down there once or twice a year to see family, and its kind of nothing different. Just another Midwestern state.

I'd like to see different parts than where I go to though before making a full judgment
I have been all over Ohio. There are a few places that I have not been, but I am sure I will. I just personally don't like where I live. I would like to live in Akron or something.

I never been to Michigan. I never really been any where but all over Ohio and one time when I was 8, I went to Pennsylvania.

And I guess so Krow. This guy I been talking to, his family owns land up there for hunting and stuff and he tells me how he rarely sees any black people there or around the town he is in. You would find a lot here though. It doesn't bother, but some just think they completely run a street or whatever. It is disgusting.
I have been to Ohio, Indiana, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

I hate where I live and I really don't want to pull a "grass is greener" or anything, but I'd love to live in the PNW.
I'll say this. I was training people after my 2nd day. Incredibly hard when you dont know what the hell you're doing either.

Ok, but my trainer was there for 10 years and all she did was shoot the breeze with one of the managers. And just gossip how she is getting some child support that day and she has a boyfriend and a husband. It was a little amusing, but as soon as I had to do something and I didn't know how to, she would yell at me. Oh, I am sorry you did not teach me anything when you were supposed to.