The Whining and Bitching Thread

Wrong thread for this, but Srontgorrth, I notice your avatar. I saw that album in a used CD store, and was really amused because there was a sticker that said "Kill.Fucking.Everyone is the awesome follow-up to Kill.Crush.Destroy" and I thought that sounded really silly. I assume you like it, though?
Wrong thread for this, but Srontgorrth, I notice your avatar. I saw that album in a used CD store, and was really amused because there was a sticker that said "Kill.Fucking.Everyone is the awesome follow-up to Kill.Crush.Destroy" and I thought that sounded really silly. I assume you like it, though?

Yeah its damn good, and their final album, Erased From The Memory of Man is even better, but I prefer the cover art of Kill. Fucking. Everyone. Its some of the angriest, raging grind there is, so check 'em out if you're interested.
32 euro is approximately $42, a bit steep for just a shirt :lol:

Anyways Drudkh shirts are cool, I don't have one but I do have a Hate Forest one. Where'd you order yours?

$42.00? No thank you. That is a lot.
They are pretty neat. I was on eBay and bidded on one, so I am getting from there.
I don't have a Hate Forest shirt, but I wouldn't mind having one. They are great. I would want The Curse one. It looks rad.
Hm, your part of the world didn't sound much like a "shithole" last time we discussed it. :)

You should really take advantage of that free time while you have it. I'm sure there's plenty of stuff you can keep busy with while you wait for college to come. Also, your life may never be the same once you leave home. If I were you, I'd look for a way to give a meaningful ending to that chapter of your life.

Hmmmm my house, however nice it may be, is located in the outskirts of the city. While this isn't bad from a clean air/less noise POV, it's annoying as there barely are kids around my age here and my friends all live quite far away.

Actually I'd given myself a lot of things to do in the summer which I've been too lazy to do. :kickass: - For the motivational talk. Least expected it on a metal forum :lol:
I got it from Dark Symphonies for $10, but the website is long gone and now theres just The Crypt. You might be able to find it somewhere else though.
Alright, thanks. I seen it on eBay, but I really don't like ordering on eBay. I did for the Drudkh shirt because I cannot find it anywhere else. If I don't have to use eBay, I don't use it. Critical times call for it though. And I actually just went on that The Crypt, I am not sure if it was the right one, but it was kind of weird.
Alright, thanks. I seen it on eBay, but I really don't like ordering on eBay. I did for the Drudkh shirt because I cannot find it anywhere else. If I don't have to use eBay, I don't use it. Critical times call for it though. And I actually just went on that The Crypt, I am not sure if it was the right one, but it was kind of weird.

No more "I seen ____" >:| plz

And yeah you probably went on the right one, but anyways check other places for Hate Forest shirts. I think the guy does a Battlefiels HF shirt.
No more "I seen ____" >:| plz

And yeah you probably went on the right one, but anyways check other places for Hate Forest shirts. I think the guy does a Battlefiels HF shirt.

Why? Is it irritating. I cannot help it, it is true.
I will check those out, thanks. Is there a possibilty it could be sold in a store? I know a lot of bands that don't sell their merchandise in stores. I rather go to a store to buy something though. I am sick of ordering things.
Its improper grammar that people used at my old ghetto school which was very irritating. Either I've seen, or I have seen is fine.

And the chance of it being sold in a store is like 1%, (i.e. if you were at Metal Haven).
Well, I am improper in many ways and I cannot help it. My school is kind of ghetto and has many ghetto kids, so I hear it all the time and no one ever corrects me (excpet for like a few teachers, the rest don't have a care in the world). Come to think of it, there are some ghetto teachers aswell in my school. I hate them all. It's sad.
1% is not even a chance, to me. I better start my search.
Hmmmm my house, however nice it may be, is located in the outskirts of the city. While this isn't bad from a clean air/less noise POV, it's annoying as there barely are kids around my age here and my friends all live quite far away.

Actually I'd given myself a lot of things to do in the summer which I've been too lazy to do. :kickass: - For the motivational talk. Least expected it on a metal forum :lol:

Tbh I think I could have rocked a psychotherapist career if psychology weren't such a lame-ass thing to major in at college. :lol:

Anyway, I feel you on the motivation thing, but it always helps to have 'back-up goals' in case you can't manage the main ones. Even reading 50-100 pages of a novel or going for a 2-mile jog can feel like an accomplishment to me if I'm doing fuck-all else, and just taking that small a step often helps me get motivated for bigger things.
Tbh I think I could have rocked a psychotherapist career if psychology weren't such a lame-ass thing to major in at college. :lol:

Anyway, I feel you on the motivation thing, but it always helps to have 'back-up goals' in case you can't manage the main ones. Even reading 50-100 pages of a novel or going for a 2-mile jog can feel like an accomplishment to me if I'm doing fuck-all else, and just taking that small a step often helps me get motivated for bigger things.

Yeah I agree with that, I'm slowly on the path that I had marked out for myself which eventually leads me to my destiny. I mean, I really know that I'm destined for greatness.
Well for one it's a ridiculously oversaturated major:
"less than 20% of psychology graduates continue on to professional training, with the majority seeking employment in other or related fields"

And a lot of the time you have to complete graduate studies in order for your degree to mean shit:
"With more than 40 percent of undergraduates in the field eventually going on to law school, business school or some other professional program, the social sciences major ranks among the highest in post-graduate academic attainment."

Plus it's just pretty 'weak-minded' as far as the sciences go. When you take chemistry or physics there's this very complex and elegant set of theories, formulas and mathematical equations to explain what goes on in the world. Psychology, on the other hand, often bases its knowledge on things like... questionnaires. Hmm...
Psychology is not a science imo. There are no definite rules to follow, etc. Studying human thought/action is interesting and you can learn things about interaction, but it is not a science.