The Whining and Bitching Thread

Well actually I was promoted and I am a damn good employee, and my boss thinks I am too :p

I also work for Walgreens as some people know. Here's what just pissed me off though. My boss called me in for a review today. That's fine. I rated myself as "exceeds expectations" for the category of Attendance and Tardiness, because I a). never call out, and b). am not significantly late usually. My boss put that I am "below expectations" because I a). have "very very limited availability" (UH YEAH I'M A FULL TIME STUDENT?!) and "ask for too many days off" (uh yes I have 10 vacation days no shit I'm gonna use them faggot). This seriously is irritating. Whatever.

Um...what? Is your boss retarded or something? Your availability and vacation requests have nothing to do with attendance and tardiness. I'm sure you know this, I just want to support your side.
I am completely aware, I fought him on it and he basically ignored me and said that he "just wanted to let me know" that I've asked for too much time off. Dude, it's about to be summer. Usually I am a full-time student doing nearly non-stop work for 5 classes a semester, most of which are 3 hours long and require a lot of attention to detailed projects. During summer, I want to fucking do things I want to do, I'm sorry if this offends you.

Fucking douche. Seriously!
Walgreens honestly is cool, it's just my boss that is a douche. For instance, two business weeks of paid vacation time after the second year there? Fucking sign me up :p Even though apparently they're taboo to take :erk: dumb as hell. On top of that though, the pharmacist I was working with Thursday night ordered the two of us a medium Meat Lovers pizza from this local place during our shift.
Walgreens honestly is cool, it's just my boss that is a douche. For instance, two business weeks of paid vacation time after the second year there? Fucking sign me up :p Even though apparently they're taboo to take :erk: dumb as hell. On top of that though, the pharmacist I was working with Thursday night ordered the two of us a medium Meat Lovers pizza from this local place during our shift.

My new job fucking sucks and my boss is a total DICK.

  • I am a dishwasher at a restaurant... all three sinks are fucking FILLED with dishes at all times, which fucking sucks, and means I have to stay practically two hours after my shift is done, two hours after everybody but the chef has left, getting it all done.
  • My boss, the chef, expects me to know where everything goes after it's washed, on the first day... I JUST FUCKING STARTED, FUCK OFF.
  • He told me, "just place pans, pots, kitchen tools on the oven, I'll get to it". Well A) he never fucking gets to it so I'm stuck standing there looking like a COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOT, since I can't get in his way, and B) that oven is fucking hot and I've burned my arm on it twice now.
  • When I put something in the wrong place, cause you know, I JUST FUCKING STARTED AND HE NEVER TELLS ME WHERE TO PUT THINGS, he flips and gets all rude with me... "R.J., how tall am I? 5'7"? Don't put this shit on the shelf where I have a hard time reaching it." Yeah, fuck off.
  • I am getting ONE SHIFT a week for at least two months, and that's all they're willing to give me for now. So I'm stuck with 5 hours a week! LOVELY. I'm gonna be ROLLING IN THE CASH NOW... thanks for the college money, assholes.
I'd be fine with a bitch job. This is more than a bitch job.

Just pisses me off cause he never tells me where to put things away (I can't cross him to put knives, pans, tongs and shit away. The only thing I really can put away is plates, cutlery and cups)... only thing he tells me is "set this shit on the oven I'll take care of it." He never does take care of it. So pots, pans, tongs, ladels, etc, just fucking ACCUMULATE up there.

The oven's as tall as me. I have to reach to put shit up there. I constantly singe my arm... hurts like a bitch for half-hour.
I would but my parents, g/f, and g/f's family are all "ooohhh works not supposed to be fun bla bla blah"
My mom told me I have to pick my sister up from school tommorow. I was going to go get high with friends after school :erk:
It's the end of the world...... :lol:

I would but my parents, g/f, and g/f's family are all "ooohhh works not supposed to be fun bla bla blah"

Who ever said it had to completely suck ass should be dressed up like a sea world trainer and placed near an orca tank.