The Whining and Bitching Thread

Well for one it's a ridiculously oversaturated major:
"less than 20% of psychology graduates continue on to professional training, with the majority seeking employment in other or related fields"

And a lot of the time you have to complete graduate studies in order for your degree to mean shit:
"With more than 40 percent of undergraduates in the field eventually going on to law school, business school or some other professional program, the social sciences major ranks among the highest in post-graduate academic attainment."

Plus it's just pretty 'weak-minded' as far as the sciences go. When you take chemistry or physics there's this very complex and elegant set of theories, formulas and mathematical equations to explain what goes on in the world. Psychology, on the other hand, often bases its knowledge on things like... questionnaires. Hmm...

Well its pretty much common knowledge that a BA or BS in Psych is useless, which is why I plan to go on to into grad school once I get my degree (plus to be a psychotherapist in the first place you would need a doctorate level degree).

And I would agree that its not a science either, but thats because human cognition is so complex, which makes it all the more interesting.
History was kind of a stupid major in retrospect on accounta I have no plans to go to grad school. I seen lots of history majors from my school doing well in their careers, but most of them have trust funds.

I'm on hiatus from the "real world" at the moment and to be honest this is great and kind of what I need. Keep telling myself I'll have a vision of clarity and truth before I move back to USA.
I emailed them again tonight and finally got an apologetic reply saying the order has been shipped. Apparently there was a delay due to the huge amount of orders they got all at once. So yay, I hope. Although they called me Phil, which is not my name...

Update: Got home from work today to find they have finally arrived. Hurrah! And they addressed it to me and not this Phil character. AND I got some bonus Wormed stickers.
I can't fucking believe this. I mean I REALLY can't fucking believe this.

I was just passed over for a head photo promotion for a guy who doesn't own a car and is constantly unable to make it to his shifts when he is scheduled, who has consistently done stupid shit with the machines such as trying to access the admin access on our photo printer causing shit to happen to it, and who has had a pretty consistent tendency to fuck shit up in general ....

seriously this is bullshit. i've been told more than once that i am one of the most reliable employees in the store by my manager, i've made every attempt to better myself where i lacked as an employee, and i get passed over - with probably the main factor being that i'm going to be going to school in the fall and he isn't :|

Seriously this is a load of fucking bullshit the likes I have never seen - and I have NEVER once questioned my managers judgment because it always seems to be good but this no - NOPE - I have no reason to believe this was sound judgment.
Bring it up, it the very least you can do.

The thing that sucks about retail is that they tend to promote the inept, the logic being that "surely they are good at something?". Typically from my experience, the better the employee, the less likely you will be promoted. The reason is as follows: Why would a manager get rid of one of there best employees from a position they excel at?
Well actually I was promoted and I am a damn good employee, and my boss thinks I am too :p

I also work for Walgreens as some people know. Here's what just pissed me off though. My boss called me in for a review today. That's fine. I rated myself as "exceeds expectations" for the category of Attendance and Tardiness, because I a). never call out, and b). am not significantly late usually. My boss put that I am "below expectations" because I a). have "very very limited availability" (UH YEAH I'M A FULL TIME STUDENT?!) and "ask for too many days off" (uh yes I have 10 vacation days no shit I'm gonna use them faggot). This seriously is irritating. Whatever.
@Mort: it doesn't make sense to promote someone who will leave soon. Pretty simple, really. It sucks, but that's how it goes.
@Mort: it doesn't make sense to promote someone who will leave soon. Pretty simple, really. It sucks, but that's how it goes.

I'm not leaving for school, I'm going to be going to school again! Community college - not going away for school. I made it pretty clear I was staying in the area since I wasn't able to afford going to EMU
So, first of all, the building I live is a total shit hole. Plumbing problems, outdated wiring, you name it. However, it's all I can afford, and my credit is totally shit, so I can't get anything better in the part of town I live in (which is where I insist upon staying, it's safe and has a good school district for my kids). Anyway, a few years ago, my wife talks her friend to move in next door so he could leave backwards, rural Iowa and meet some men (yes, he's gay). Since then, I've come to realize that he is a complete fucking idiot and completely intolerable to be around (mind you, this has nothing to do with his sexuality). Now we have this unique problem: the previous tenants in his apartment were illegals from Mexico and they brought roaches. Everyone else in the building has kept them out, but they have thrived in his unit. Unfortunately, he is a spineless cunt and will not complain to the landlord (for example, he has had a plugged drain in his bathroom sink the whole time). Anyway, long story short, his sister is apparently coming to visit, and she finds out about his roach problem. Being the complete opposite of her brother, she very assertively called the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES! On the one hand, yes, great, now the landlord may be forced to fix up our shit hole building, but - and this is huge - what if DHHS condemns the joint? Where the fuck are my family and I going to go? We can't afford much higher rent, and like I said, my credit blows, so I'll never make it past the application process. FUCK!