The Whining and Bitching Thread

it's the internet. the line doesnt exist.

I remember back in the days of AOL dial up, I would trip over the fucking phone line.

Ah the good old days of shitty AOL.
I really love how I eat and drink nothing in school (I never want to spend my money there) and when I come home to make this awesome sandwhich and drink the last cold Pepsi, my brother spits on my sandwhich and knocks the Pepsi over then goes to tell me "If I cannot have that, you cannot. It's only fair", I love it.

Im curious, how old is he?
My fucking wife removed my administrator status on our fucking computer behind my fucking back then she fucking deleted my fucking scrobbler. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!!!!!!!!!1!!

Damn dude, you've been haxx0r'd by a backstabbing cyber femme fatale. Is the porn safe?
The new youtube layout bothers the shit out of me. Didn't notice Google changed their layout, unless you're talking about the one from like a year ago, or how ever long it was when they put the image and shit on the top.
My whining and bitching for the moment, fuck audacity. I want to move a track so it plays later in the project, but I don't fucking know how.

Thankfully I played some Amebix on my guitar, and that calmed me down a bit. You know what, I think I might want to try to start a crust band. That would be fucking kick ass.