The Whining and Bitching Thread

Yeah, I tried that. It didn't work at first and it was saying "The files are too big." so I had to do it one by one but then I just restarted my computer and it started to work perfectly fine.
was paying the water bill to the building manager about 5 min ago and a HUGE tarantula type spider scuttled into my house. I HATE those things, even though I know they eat the other bugs I hate. Swatted it with an umbrella and it ran out the front door, but I bet it'll be back.
You guys are pussies. I love spiders, and used to catch them for fun. One wouldn't think so, but in the Midwest we have some pretty bad ass creepy crawlies:


Fishing spider. A friend and I caught one and put it in an aquarium once. Watching it dismember and suck the guts out of a cricket was epic. As you can see in the pic, they can get up to 4" in diameter.


A common corn spider. These can also get quite large, I swear I've seen one that had to be up to 6" in diameter.


Wolf spiders are also quite common, though I've never seen one that large around here.
The only bad thing a spider will do to your house is create unsightly cobwebs. They don't carry harmful diseases and bacteria like flies, roaches, or most other bugs.

The make babies, which make more spiders, and the hunting variety have a tendency to get into clothing/shoes/beds and bite. Even if it is not a brown recluse/black widow, it still can cause local area damage.

I keep all bugs outside, but I more viciously hunt a spider when seen indoors. I might let a fly fly around until I am done with whatever I happen to be doing at the moment.
how can anyone not mind flies? at least spiders don't make noise and fly into your head.

I like spiders when they are outside and I like to watch them. I don't kill them when I see them inside, mainly because I don't know how to dispose of something half the size of my hand.
@Srontgorrth: FYP

@Dakryn: Flies receive no mercy from me. They are second only to mosquitoes as being the most annoying and useless insects on the face of the planet. I will stop whatever I'm doing to kill a fly, and have actually wasted good spans of time battling with particularly elusive and persistent ones. I can't fucking stand how they buzz your head, land on your nose, and no matter how many times you shoo them away, they keep fucking landing there.
They are foul creatures of wickedness. Mosquitos top the list for me. Also I'm not a huge fan of mukade, the giant venomous centipedes that I see running around in the streets on rainy days.

Some bitch on Facebook just liked a page called "Lets Count To 20,000"... where it actually lists off every number from 1 to 20,000 in the title.

THE PAGE JUST TOOK UP 9/10'ths of my News Feed.

Annoying wretched CUNTS.