The Whining and Bitching Thread

Haha, yeah right, guitar center doing anything for free...maybe if you have the receipt you could try it, but don't hold your breath.

Sucks, because I have a long weekend this week and a serious need for some way to procrastinate.

K, so I returned the CAD U37 and they gave me a full refund. They said other people have returned it with the same problem. I ended up getting a Blue Snowball USB mic, which is a bit more expensive but lets see how it works.
There is no Pokémon that can learn baton pass, hypnosis, mean look, and perish song. :(
I'm about to drive 1.5 hours to my sister's engagement party so I can stand around awkwardly with relatives I fell out with years ago and haven't seen since. All I wanna do is have a quiet Saturday night in. Aaaaaarrrrgh
I am not ok..have had shit going on for a few weeks now,things have been hectic,in cryptic occult fashion...fancy words for 'my former employer's trying to fuck me over'.But i shal prevaill.Most likely that will mean me going home and grinding some more on Demon's Souls.FTW
I'm about to drive 1.5 hours to my sister's engagement party so I can stand around awkwardly with relatives I fell out with years ago and haven't seen since. All I wanna do is have a quiet Saturday night in. Aaaaaarrrrgh

Ended up arguing with my g/f most of the way there, then when we finally got there the uncomfortable awkwardness was even more uncomfortable and awkward than I had dreamed it would be, my Uncle was a rude cunt to me and my g/f and now I'm running scenarios of what I should have done (ie. headbutted the fucker) over and over in my head. The conversation with people I was actually speaking to mainly consisted of "Where are you living now?" and "Golly gosh it's been cold". Also I couldn't drink more than a couple of beers because I had to drive all the way home again, so the whole thing was a cold hard sober reality.

If someone has a problem with me do not give them the time a day. It's not worth it. If someone/people pick at you and it bothers you that's just more fuel for them. Fuck people like that.