The Whining and Bitching Thread

I can't drink black coffee. I usually have mine with not much milk and like half a sugar. I found it extremely difficult to find decent coffee in America. Most of it was fucking drip-pot shit. That said, here's a pic of me drinking a decent coffee in America:

You look like the guy who brought internet cable to every home in Australia.
I can't drink black coffee. I usually have mine with not much milk and like half a sugar. I found it extremely difficult to find decent coffee in America. Most of it was fucking drip-pot shit. That said, here's a pic of me drinking a decent coffee in America:


Man, I always expect you to have epic sideburns, but I never see it happen.

It's alright though, you're rockin the aviators and have good facial hair.
Asahi is ok. It's probably the most "average" beer I can think of. 5% alc, medium in color, mild in taste, bubbly not flat like Budweiser.

Sapporo is a little creamier and I prefer it to Asahi but it feels heavier in your stomach. I used to go to PF Changs and order Sapporo 500 mL cans for $8 when I was 19-20. Now I can buy them at a vending machine for under $3.

I like Kirin better than Sapporo and I think Asahi is pretty average. Tried any Japanese Whiskey?
I've had Suntory whiskey. I'm not a big whiskey person in general so I couldn't tell you anything about it at all.

Satanstoenail I dig your style. Where the hell did you go though, Portland or something?
Man, I always expect you to have epic sideburns, but I never see it happen.

It's alright though, you're rockin the aviators and have good facial hair.

Front on shot doesn't show their true greatness tbh. I keep them pretty trimmed these days as well, so their epicness is somewhat diminished I guess. They're always an roughly an inch or two below my jawline though.

Satanstoenail I dig your style. Where the hell did you go though, Portland or something?

Cheers. Lower East Side of Manhattan was where we stayed most of the month we were there. That's where that shot was taken, right across the road from what used to be CBGB's.
Front on shot doesn't show their true greatness tbh. I keep them pretty trimmed these days as well, so their epicness is somewhat diminished I guess. They're always an roughly an inch or two below my jawline though.
Nothing wrong with keeping them nice and clean.
"Eyes on the Prize" is the name of the Civil Rights documentary I watched at work today.

I'll put effort. Tomorrow. It's 1:10 am and there are perverts and bike gangs out at this hour.
Yeah man. Some of the drinks at Buckstars have like 50% of my daily calorie intake. A fucking coffee drink.

Dunno if it's the same chain but when i tried to order a large iced coffee the chick behind the counter started rambling something about venti or grande or whatever, this the same place you're talking about? Espresso in Italy goes for 0.60c at my local, so much win!