The Whining and Bitching Thread

Got electricity on in my new apartment today and rolled up there thinking I was all set to move in, only to realise that the apartment doesn't come with water service. Fuck me, I have to live in my friend's closet for another 2-3 days probably. So fucking frustrating.
Nah it was'nt really worth it at the time,I just chopped up a few more but I would've if it had've been my last bit of weed,it's a great recovery technique and i've certainly used it before,hell of even been known to make up some of the dreaded 'Black Death' in times of need but am smoking my last bit of weed atm,tonights the cutoff.Gotta stop it and clear my mind and start reading and stuff to prepare for an Intergrated Ratings(Maritime) course i'm going to be starting next year.It's going to be weird though since i've basically been a daily smoker since I was fifteen.I have tried reading whilst being stoned before and it does'nt work for me,so i'm quitting.I'm actually really looking forward to studying after being stuck in a prfoundly boring job for the last twelve years.
Damnit, my cat went in the garage, and then when she came in, her eye was all messed up.

Crazy shit happens in cluttered garages/buildings/etc.

I watched my father try to grab a hammer out of our storage building. He fumbled around with it as it was just out of his reach, and eventually dropped it. The hammer fell perfectly on to the top of an aerosol can, spraying him in the eye with rust remover. :lol:
Nah it was'nt really worth it at the time,I just chopped up a few more but I would've if it had've been my last bit of weed,it's a great recovery technique and i've certainly used it before,hell of even been known to make up some of the dreaded 'Black Death' in times of need but am smoking my last bit of weed atm,tonights the cutoff.Gotta stop it and clear my mind and start reading and stuff to prepare for an Intergrated Ratings(Maritime) course i'm going to be starting next year.It's going to be weird though since i've basically been a daily smoker since I was fifteen.I have tried reading whilst being stoned before and it does'nt work for me,so i'm quitting.I'm actually really looking forward to studying after being stuck in a prfoundly boring job for the last twelve years.

Good to hear man, I hope it works out. I quit about 9 years ago and it was hard but worth it. Getting to sleep was the weirdest/hardest part. It took about 6 months to feel normal.

I dregged the bong a couple of times back in the day as well, the worst one was when we didn't even have any ciggies to mix with it so we went for a walk to find discarded butts on the footpath and in the gutter to put in with the dregs. Rough as fucking guts.
Thanks man,I've had a couple of half hearted attempts at quitting in the past,even going for a couple of months without it before and I know exactly what you mean about not sleeping and when you do eventually sleep,you have the craziest dreams.I'm looking forward to quitting for good,the times that I've been off it in the past,I've felt great.Yeah i'm thinking that i need to stop now to be ready for study in Febuary.I wish I had of quit a long time ago like yourself.
Haha black death and discarded butts...fucking Noice!!:headbang:
Damnit, my cat went in the garage, and then when she came in, her eye was all messed up.

I'm going to how it is in the morning, and if it's not good, then she'll end up going to the vet. Poor little thing.

Mom thinks we should just leave her alone. We think she just got a scratch on the bottom of her eye, her eyeball seems normal though.

This girl I kinda had a crush on added me back on Facebook finally, so we started talking, then she got off the computer so I noticed one of her good friends was on. I asked her friend "what are the odds of _____ and I going out to lunch or hanging out?" which I think is a pretty fair question; I didn't say going on a date, just chilling. Her friend said pretty low but only cuz she's working a lot lately and doesn't have much time.

I said that's cool thanks for letting me know, then admitted I had a crush on her because I figured she'd see me as honest and a little stupid and feel bad for me or something and try to hook me up. I also said I wanted to make things "right" because on the trip I took to New York, this girl I had a crush on went also and we both got drunk one night and kind of cuddled and it was awkward and obviously my judgment was off and I could tell the next day she was sort of weirded out, and one of my professors (who was drunk) was saying we looked like a cute couple. So I basically wanted to hang out with this girl to say "look, I'm sorry about that happening, let's be friends and see what happens." That's fair, right?

WRONG apparently, because her friend told her "what I said" which was deemed to be a straight-up lie (wtf?) and they both blocked me on Facebook telling me not to spread rumors or defame peoples' characters like that.


good thing to wake up to. Anyway whatever, I just thought it was funny. I don't really care too much but I hope this girl doesn't start telling people I'm a liar or something, because if there's one thing I'm absolutely not, it's that. :zombie:
I have been with my woman for going on two years... and she still completely misinterprets most things I say to some degree.

Best to speak with the back of your hand.

(I in no way condone or indorse violence against females, regardless of how much they deserve it sometimes.)