The Whining and Bitching Thread

My little 3yo sister acts like a troll on the internet, i.e. she claims that she threw up somewhere and watches the reaction but afterwards it shows up that she actually didn't. Or vice-versa. Just to enjoy the reaction.
Ya know what I fucking hate? Females who only date assholes and then complain incessantly that all men suck. Perhaps they should try not being attracted to douche bags.
Ya know what I fucking hate? Females who only date assholes and then complain incessantly that all men suck. Perhaps they should try not being attracted to douche bags.

This is like the oldest complaint of mankind.
Forgot to post this, but it happened to me yesterday during the day. I opened the bar up at work at 10.30am, 2 guys in their 30s walked in at about 12ish and bought a couple of beers and went outside to the terrace. One guy lit up a cigarette, even though there are no smoking signs on the tables and one BIG sign right next to the table they were sitting on.

Me: Excuse me sir, I'm afraid you're not allowed to smoke. You have to-
Guy smoking looks at me, interrupts me by blowing smoke straight into my face.
Smoking dude: What are you going to do about it?
I stare dead straight at him.
Me: Get the fuck out of my bar.
He looked a little taken a back, but takes another drag and blows more smoke in my face.
Smoking dude: Really? Or else what?
Me: Get the fuck out of my bar, or I'll get the duty manager of the hotel to kick you out of the hotel.
He ignored me for about 5 seconds, me standing there.
Other guy: Hey let's go.
Smoking dude grumbles a little bit, finishes his beer. They get up and leave.
Me: That's right, fuck off and don't come back asshole.

I hate pricks like this. I'd be fired 10 times over for swearing at the shithead though.
All I wanted to do was to tell people about this cool, new festival I've found out about. So I tried to be clever about it and I got told off for spamming..... Spamming???? since when does one message with one link count as spam. plus on a message board. i thought that's what these thing are for to tell people about things you like that they may like. if I'm on a metal forum I should be able to tell people about a metal festival right????? open to your answers and feedback.
Damnit, my cat went in the garage, and then when she came in, her eye was all messed up.

I'm going to how it is in the morning, and if it's not good, then she'll end up going to the vet. Poor little thing.