The Whining and Bitching Thread

I am currently not, Joe.

edit: apparently the girl I have/had a crush on did not block me so I messaged her a nice suck-up apology; I feel bad if something I said was misconstrued but I am 100% sure this girl's friend related what I said in a way that made it sound way worse. For the record, I said something like "yeah we both got drunk and were all over each other" (which I admit is a poor choice of words). I didn't mean like having crazy sex, I meant we were like attached for half the night, because we were both fucking drunk. Sigh.
Haha, I'm aware, I kinda wanna see what happens though. The most important thing here is protecting my credibility at this point; I don't want this girl she's friends with to blab to other people that I'm some kind of super liar or something, especially when all I did was maybe maybe extend the truth slightly.
It's because they are totally not straightforward :lol:

I am anticipating a reply from chick-I-dig which will more or less be something like "why the fuck do you keep apologizing for that? We were both drunk, and it's not a big deal, so stop making it seem bigger and more important than it is, and stop claiming you want to 'make things less awkward' as a front for hanging out with me/getting to know me." At least that is what I perceive.
Dreading tomorrow's 30 something hour trip back to Japan and watching my dad choke back tears at the Greyhound station.

You're taking the bus to Japan? Sweet. :D

My gripe: Days are too damn short. I haven't done shit all day but wash a couple cars. As always my I'm drowsy and my body wants to go to sleep, but my consciousness wants to stay awake. Anyone else have this problem? It's not insomnia... I can fall asleep quite easily, but damn if I ever want to because there's always so many things I want to stay awake and do!