The Whining and Bitching Thread

I wish...there's massive typhoon action happening in Fukuoka now.

There was some stupid drama involving that friend I've complained about before, but I think we are officially "broken up" now which is good.
nonononononono unrelated to Man-Purse. This was a friend, one of my BFF's brothers, who kept having outbursts of "I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU HUNNRRRGHHH"
So that chick I told to fuck off five months ago, that chick who a year earlier used to be my best friend, the one who just completely shut down and stopped talking to me, ended up waving me down at a fair while my g/f was on a ride to speak to me. It was a nice, long chat too. Normally I'd have been like "holy shit, took long enough".

Except even now, she doesn't really talk to me still. We live in the same small village of 200-300 people. She never says hi, I never see her outside anymore, and even now, conversations online generally only last maybe 3-4 minutes before she says "gotta go, bye".

I can't tell if she's still pissed off at me or not, but if so... the fuck, women? Why do you constantly confuse us guys with this mixed signals bullshit? I even apologized and said "hey, thank you, it was nice talking to you, sorry for any bullshit, I hope we can be friends again". I thought I did good here... why still the semi-silent treatment?
Take it to the males & females thread.

In other news, this forum runs really slowly lately compared to everything else I browse.
So the chick got back to me, GMD Social. She said basically "I just don't like that you told her that I was 'all over you' (AHEM NOT WHAT I SAID, I said we were all over each other, meaning it was not unilateral...but I guess that doesn't make it too much better :erk:) and I don't want other friends or to date right now; I don't mind being acquaintances (shit guise, i just got acquaintance zoned!) but I'd prefer if you didn't tell anybody about that night (ok just tell your bitch friend not to tell people i'm a 'liar').

I am satisfied with this outcome. Wasn't gonna work out anyway and it was just a stupid crush. Now on to better things!