The Whining and Bitching Thread

Which is great if you're into that kind of thing, but a lot of people aren't comfortable being totally stoned for 24 hours.

Shrooms are awesome, but not as awesome as being paid enough to live comfortably on. Hope your boss almost chokes on a Cheeto and realizes he should pay you more, wizardz
I smoked a few weeks ago for the first time since I was 17 or so. Back in my teen years I enjoyed it for a couple of years, but then I had a bad acid trip & smoking wasn't the same after that. It really freaked me out everytime I would do it after that. Anyway, in 13 years nothing has changed, it still freaks me out. I get very paranoid & everything just seems like it's caving in around me. Kind of hard to describe, but I will stick to alcohol.
the last 2 times I did acid, I didn't trip. idk if I was just ripped off but I feel like it could have been the psych meds I was on at the time. Haven't tried it since because I'm too god-awful poor to afford drugs that don't work.

I love getting stoned because it makes things funny again. I forced my best friend to smoke with me like a week ago, and we made popcorn then looked for something good to watch on tv. I was flipping through the channels, then all of a sudden he blurts out "OH! WET VIRGINS!"...then like a second later realized it was a porno, would have gotten embarrassed but I was too busy laughing my ass off that he just joined in.

I try to stay away from alcohol because I'm a crazy drunk when it's around. Really, I get out of control.
Why didnt you just finish?
We weren't close enough and she freaked. Although if it had been real imo it'd be an epic way to die - immolated while fucking and blasting Motorhead.

The effects from the brownies take longer to manifest, but the high lasts longer.

I want to try pot part due to my love of normal brownies and my interest in actually getting high from weed, as opposed to just coughing a lot.
Actually, I just want a brownie right now.
It's kinda interesting to read of the progress of people who visit this forum regularly. Especially the transition from leaving high school and going into college, and finally experiencing different things from sex, drugs and the road to alcoholism etc.

I feel kinda old sometimes even though I'm relatively young in terms of age.
I smoked some killer weed the other day.

I've been in such a funk lately. I wish I had some more weed. I hate my stupid fucking job. My boss does not pay me enough for the work I do. He is a cheap, fat asshole. And he only wears track pants with elastic waistbands because nothing else will fit. I'm on the verge of fucking poverty, trying to get through school. I never have money to go out anywhere anymore, if I didn't eat at home every meal I would starve.
If this asshole just paid me like 2 dollars more an hour we could call it even. It wouldn't even amount to that much more on the payroll. I started out just filing, but now I do everything and never got a raise.
Like really, our company car to make deliveries in is a lexus, that cost 539 a month. and he can't afford to give me a two dollar raise. I hope the fat ass chokes on an egg roll. They didn't give me columbus day as a paid holiday either.

Yeah working for the man BLOWS. Tomorrow I might papercut my jugular to go on disability.

You should talk to him about it, or just apply for another job/threaten to quit? What exactly do you do and how much do you get anyways?
Have you smoked weed like once in your life or something? Christ, man the fuck up.
Twice. Didn't get high either time. Coughed a lot. Wasn't too terrible, but wasn't much fun either. I also just like brownies.
Yeah, when I see what's going on with WAIF, I think of how I was just like that. It's embarrassing to think about, really.
Wow, dude. Go fuck yourself.
Back to smoking again lol I told my parents I swore everything off after all the shit with the suicide attempt/hallucinations/shit, but seriously life is fucking boring. I never thought I'd be this god damned bored after almost dying and seeing all that shit but I kinda miss seeing shit. Now instead of stuff coming out of walls, they're just plain fucking walls! I'm not addicted to anything; there just isn't a fucking reason to stop. My friends that don't do drugs are pussies and my friends that do either have jobs or are too far away and don't play instruments.
I need a few jobless girlfriendless losers like myself that play different fucking instruments, have nothing better to do, and listen to some actual fucking mehtulz :lol:
Yeah Zephyrus aren't you pretty much the same age as WAIF?

I don't see what's so awful about living the freshman year life. Looking down your nose at people doing things you yourself have done suggests you're not at peace with yourself IMO. Didn't everyone go through a sex maniac phase when we all first lost our virginities? I know I did, I was EXACTLY like WAIF. And it was fun, and while some of my friends got annoyed with me at the time, we're all fine now.
I am 21, and I think he's 18 or 19.

But yeah, just as you described. And then I went way too long using my girlfriend as a social crutch, you know, not doing anything social unless she was with me, or else I deemed it not worth my time. These days I've found more of a balance, especially now that we're living together.