The Whining and Bitching Thread

I like what Dodens has said here. I presume that I'm a bit more of a hedonist than he is, but I never went through a crazy college phase either, at least nothing like what I hear people talk about. By the time I got to college I had little interest in that sort of thing. I got a lot of my drinking out of the way in high school. It also helps that I never lived in a dorm, or with any other people for that matter. Since I started grad school I've become something of an alcoholic, which is not really a crazy party phase sort of thing. It's just plain sad. I should do something about that, but I really don't care.
It's okay, we all know you're cool.

I guess it depends on what you call partying. I have never enjoyed getting drunk with a bunch of idiots and doing 'crazy stuff', but socializing and meeting random people can be pretty fun in the right environment, say, a calm pub (in contrast to wild home parties or dance clubs).
I agree with Dodens post, not everyone needs to go through that hedonistic phase in their life. Just that most people do just to somewhat learn in their own way. I've looked upon my past and even though I wish things would've gone alot smoother (what does though?) I've learnt valuable lessons to never let myself go through that again.

Do what suits your personality, and never change it for anyone or anything if you're happy with yourself. Unless you rape babies, then you can go jump off a bridge.

Does this mean I get to call you Brown Bear?

I think there's a level of hedonistic college living that absolutely can be looked down on, such as the guys I had to tell to shut the fuck up at 3 AM on a Tuesday because they were high and drunk and screaming in the hallway while my gf was trying to get some sleep before her midterm the next day. Going a little wild on a Friday night is pretty different from that.
Speaking of which, it's FRIDAY. Whooooo.
I think there's a level of hedonistic college living that absolutely can be looked down on, such as the guys I had to tell to shut the fuck up at 3 AM on a Tuesday because they were high and drunk and screaming in the hallway while my gf was trying to get some sleep before her midterm the next day.

This is why I don't want to live in dorms or with other people.
I can't wait to move out and cook for myself/my gf whenever the fuck I feel like it instead of being constrained to cafeteria hours. On the other hand, I'll miss having someone make me an omelette in the morning. On the other hand, I'll just tell my girl to make me a sammich. On the other hand, she prolly won't do it.
Regarding this whole high school ==> college = crazy fuckshit party time, I contest the notion that this is somehow just a natural part of life that 'everybody' goes through, as though it's simply a part of growing up and learning lessons. I don't believe everybody needs to 'learn' whatever is garnered from living a debaucherous lifestyle for a period of years, and I object to the notion that the fact that 'everybody' goes through this 'party' stage validates it as behavior that is generally looked upon positively, but then again, as is well documented, I tend to have a lower opinion than most of people in general. Sex is not the greatest and most amazing thing in the world and I don't feel the need to tell the world that I've had it, nor do I fault myself for not having spent as much time as most people here have socializing with random people while they were in college. Everybody is wired differently and with distinct social needs, and while I have a reasonably active and certainly satisfying social life, I do enjoy spending a lot of time on my own. I guess what I'm trying to say is that 'people are different', which should be obvious anyway, and that people should be judged (insofar as it is fair to 'judge' another person's life) according to their character, and I don't consider it a fault in my life for not having partaken in the 'college life' when I had the chance.
Whatever lets you sleep at night bro

jk, this is correct.

You can get caught up assuming everyone else is partying and getting laid and you're just sitting alone at home jacking off to WAIF's sex posts, but really, that's what most people are doing and there's nothing wrong with it
I think it's more the concept that it's not really necessary that Dodens is highlighting which is important. Alot of people think that once they move on from high school that they have to socialize the way the other kids are, I say fuck it and do it your own way.
I think it's hilarious/scary that I made a blackout post in a thread in which my alcoholism has been discussed. I'm impressed by the grammar and spelling.

I really do want to move out, though. Lately in order to study I've been putting on brutal death metal to drown out the people in the hall. Last night we actually had a meeting with the floor above and below where the don responsible for those floors yelled at us for being so fucking loud.
So I've been freaking out at the idea of a job... not just some crappy minimum wage job. A real job with a ton of hours every week (50+) a job, that if I can stick with will really mean something. My own place and a new vehicle will be in sight soon enough along with enough leftover to buy myself any amount of cds and liquor I want. Insurance too... but the job is such a brutal beating I'm scared I cant do it. My father started there 5 months ago or so, and he's the hardest worker I've ever met. It nearly killed him. He's now working behind a desk, though. I'm not that kind of person.... but I have to try... and I really cant fuck this up . Gah.
I think it's hilarious/scary that I made a blackout post in a thread in which my alcoholism has been discussed. I'm impressed by the grammar and spelling.

I really do want to move out, though. Lately in order to study I've been putting on brutal death metal to drown out the people in the hall. Last night we actually had a meeting with the floor above and below where the don responsible for those floors yelled at us for being so fucking loud.
Study at the library. It's quiet, and you will probably study longer because there are fewer distractions.
I like what Dodens has said here. I presume that I'm a bit more of a hedonist than he is, but I never went through a crazy college phase either, at least nothing like what I hear people talk about. By the time I got to college I had little interest in that sort of thing. I got a lot of my drinking out of the way in high school. It also helps that I never lived in a dorm, or with any other people for that matter. Since I started grad school I've become something of an alcoholic, which is not really a crazy party phase sort of thing. It's just plain sad. I should do something about that, but I really don't care.

I am also an individual who knows that his consumption of drugs and/or alcohol is killing him, who wants to indulge but not to die, and who solves the problem by indulging blindly, simply evading consequences.

The active evader, unlike the passive drifter, understands his detriment.

So I've been freaking out at the idea of a job... not just some crappy minimum wage job. A real job with a ton of hours every week (50+) a job, that if I can stick with will really mean something. My own place and a new vehicle will be in sight soon enough along with enough leftover to buy myself any amount of cds and liquor I want. Insurance too... but the job is such a brutal beating I'm scared I cant do it. My father started there 5 months ago or so, and he's the hardest worker I've ever met. It nearly killed him. He's now working behind a desk, though. I'm not that kind of person.... but I have to try... and I really cant fuck this up . Gah.
What's the job?

At least you've got the opportunity to get somewhere in the work world, that's the important part. Even if you have to leave the job eventually, maybe having it on your resume will help you land a more suitable job in the future.