The Whining and Bitching Thread

The conversational rapist invited me to his house tonight. I'm taking baby steps in rejecting him. I said I'd only go if other people are going to be there, because I am not going to have a one-sided conversation with him that lasts for hours and is only about three subjects: girls he fell in love with/is in love with, guitars, how dysfunctional he claims his family is.

Again, it must be noted that straightforward rejection is a miss with him.
Devasya Chāyā;9472175 said:
The conversational rapist invited me to his house tonight. I'm taking baby steps in rejecting him. I said I'd only go if other people are going to be there, because I am not going to have a one-sided conversation with him that lasts for hours and is only about three subjects: girls he fell in love with/is in love with, guitars, how dysfunctional he claims his family is.

Again, it must be noted that straightforward rejection is a miss with him.

Ack. I know far too many people that have diarrhea of the mouth. Always yapping about the same 2 or 3 things, talking in circles, and they won't shut up unless you walk (sometimes you have to run!) away or become aggressive and hostile towards them.
Just got a Manilla Road shirt in the mail, and there's a fucking small little flap that was ripped or some shit.

gonna have to try to sew it or something.
Ack. I know far too many people that have diarrhea of the mouth. Always yapping about the same 2 or 3 things, talking in circles, and they won't shut up unless you walk (sometimes you have to run!) away or become aggressive and hostile towards them.

It's the worst when they make it very clear to you all of the time that they want to be friends, and then think they are friends after ten minutes of talking on facebook. So I avoided him for a month (and he didn't even fucking realize that that's what I was doing) and then next time he catches me says "are we friends anymore???" I just said "are you seriously asking that?" for the ambiguity. I knew he would think about why I asked that, and instead of him thinking that I thought it was ridiculous because I always avoided him and never thought of him as a friend, he'd think I'd asked him because I thought we were friends. >_>

Anyway, on a Saturday night two weeks ago when I was hanging out with my friend. My friend and I prank called him and just said the names of Greek letters in the most menacing way possible. He said he was going to call the police for harassment, so I sent him a message that said "omicron mu gamma." He only conversationally raped me once since. I don't know why it still bothers me.
If I straight up tell him what I think I'm afraid he'll have an emotional breakdown. I just asked the ambiguous question to see if he indeed was that oblivious to what's going on.
Devasya Chāyā;9495940 said:
If I straight up tell him what I think I'm afraid he'll have an emotional breakdown. I just asked the ambiguous question to see if he indeed was that oblivious to what's going on.

When you grow up you'll learn to stop caring about people and your mind will be freed. When I was your age I cared about that shit too.
Devasya Chāyā;9495940 said:
If I straight up tell him what I think I'm afraid he'll have an emotional breakdown.

Unless you plan on trying to have sex with him, why the fuck do you honestly care?
Because I'm not a total asshole who only cares about one's emotions if it's for sexual pleasure?

"Hey, Joe. Did that guy kill himself because you told him what you think of him?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't planning on having sex with him."

"Oh, then it's all good."

But in all honesty, I'm going to stop taking the cautious nice guy approach because it's not really working.
Devasya Chāyā;9497447 said:
Because I'm not a total asshole who only cares about one's emotions if it's for sexual pleasure?

"Hey, Joe. Did that guy kill himself because you told him what you think of him?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't planning on having sex with him."

"Oh, then it's all good."

But in all honesty, I'm going to stop taking the cautious nice guy approach because it's not really working.

Maybe I should have just said... People exist in this world that you cant be nice to unless you want them stuck up your ass for all eternity.
Yeah, it is. I'll just explain to him that I don't want to be friends with him and tell him why if he asks.