The Whining and Bitching Thread

It's hot in Fukuoka and will be hot until I leave in August. As a measure of penny-pinching I refuse to buy a fan or turn on the AC yet so I will suffer.
Stupid bitch I am supposed to work with for a presentation won't be there. Now I have to present alone (I don't mind this; just that the teacher will be asking me whether she has done any work, and I don't know whether I want to lie for her or not).
Hate seeing anything related to sex while watching tv with the parents. Now this is running as a commercial, and it embarrased the shit out of me. Don't they have some fucking idea that this might create awkward situations for those watching?

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My bass instructor is a fantastic teacher, but he is nigh impossible to get in touch with.

A couple weeks ago I had a meeting with my boss's boss about a really shitty new policy. Burned the midnight oil preparing my statement. Missed my lesson the next morning.

So he left a voicemail that essentially said, "Hey man, what the fuck." Played phone tag with him all week after that. Left a message with his wife that he evidently didn't get, and he made other plans during our lesson time. Turned me around at the door. Scheduled a callback he didn't follow though on. I just want another lesson on friday :/
You know what's (much) worse than not listening to metal? Promoting bad music that has enough superficial ties to metal to be mistaken for the real thing.

The fact that "metal" is so big in Finland is actually a bad thing, because they (well not all of them) are kind of misunderstanding and therefore polluting the whole genre. I'd much rather live in a country where Justin Bieber is the biggest artist, because there the tools can be separated from the smart ones. Does anyone agree?
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I'd agree in that I hear a lot of really shitty modern Finish stuff with a relatively consistent sound despite varying between power metal, melodic death, and kinda gothy stuff, all with shitty symphonic influences. And it's fucking horrid. I'm told they're produced an awful lot of awesome death metal over the years, and I'm sure there are some worthwhile bands from there currently, but overall I get the impression that Finland can go suck a bag of dicks.
I agree. Finnish people are way too obsessed with Japanese gothic lolitas and Ville Valo for much good to come out of it. I'd probably find that insufferable if I actually lived there. But I don't, and I like several of the big crapper bands from Finland, so I won't complain too much.