The Whining and Bitching Thread

i fixed the problem i was having with them


i still have to wait a whole freaking 7 business days for them to mail me my money


*wishing i could get my money quicker*

will have to sell my foodstamps to pay my phone bill

Worthless POS. Stop being a fucking coward and just go steal the money yourself.

And if you can't afford to feed yourself, why do you have a phone ???? God damn I can't wait for the "apocalypse".
Monoxide, you'd love Baltimore. Some places you can get all kinds of stuff for food stamps.
Worthless POS. Stop being a fucking coward and just go steal the money yourself.

And if you can't afford to feed yourself, why do you have a phone ???? God damn I can't wait for the "apocalypse".
so, i'm a "coward" now just because i won't steal money to pay my phone bill?!? WTF-ing hell??? i just got out of jail for atempted murder, not really looking to go back for theft

and Dallas has lots and lots of free food, (i guess you could call them "soup kitchens" except none of them actually serve any kind of soup) so i don't need foodstamps, i can sell my foodstamps to pay my phone bill and still eat the homeless people food, the other homeless people are selling their foodstamps for crack and heroin, so i think i'm doing okay
Monoxide, you'd love Baltimore. Some places you can get all kinds of stuff for food stamps.

here, you just sell your foodstamps for cash and use the cash to buy whatever you want
My sister PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH. And worse, she's raising my nephews in an environment of abject anti-intellectualism and it anguishes me. As an uncle I want to do so much for them but I'm routinely discouraged because my sister seems to be in fear of them growing up to be anything like me. RAGE, GODDESS, SING RAGE

Your comment comes across a tad pretentious to me, but I can't really judge because I don't know your relationship with the person posting the status.

But hey, at least she wrote both of her responses correctly, minus the missing period in the first one.

But I don't know the extent of her anti-intellectualism.

Anyways, my job is kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. I love the people I work with, but getting paid minimum wage to do the hardest job is kinda lame. Basically, as for how the orders are sent out, there's dine-in, carry out, and delivery. So the servers only really work when we have dine-in customers, the people at the counter only really work when we have carry out customers, and the drivers only work when we have delivery customers. Cooks, however, work for all three. And we also don't get tips. I don't think people at the counter do, but I've only seen managers working at it and they get paid more anyways.

*walks around his desk, grabs a whiskey glass on the table next to a window and fills it a quarter of the way up with scotch*

*grabs the glass with his right hand, and puts his left hand in his pocket, standing there idly and dramatically and stares out the window for a few seconds, takes a sip of his scotch and slowly turns around*

*takes a seat as desk chair, sets his glass on his desk, leans back in his chair, it makes a slight creaking sound and lets out a long tired sigh*

Some people are just hardwired differently. It's not your fault. It's not your sister's fault. Your nephew, he's just...he's just an idiot. Deal with it.

*leans forward and takes another sip of his scotch*

Now, if you don't mind, I have some contemplating to do.
Haha, exactly. Actually I've been neglecting my Latin quite a bit lately and have been reading Greek almost exclusively. Will probably warm back up to it with Vergil once I'm finished with Plato.
Der Morgenstern said:
It's called Latin. Perhaps you've come across it.

Guy studies Latin quite a bit. I'm not surprised he tries to use it on a daily basis in order to remain engaged and keep his memory refreshed.

I'm aware of what language it is as well as his studies, bro. You have a bad habit of taking all of my posts at face value instead of thinking before you reply in an attempt to look intelligent. I actually edited the world "Latin" out of my post after initially including it.
Oh, bitch got told! You do it Thrall, you do it! Tell 'em all how it really is. You edit that Latin world, even after initially including it, cuz you don't need it yo. All these bitches with their bad habits, fuckin' killing me bro. You do it, you do it.

I'mma go torch all the Latin textbooks in B n' N, cuz I'm ballin'.
I'm aware of what language it is as well as his studies, bro. You have a bad habit of taking all of my posts at face value instead of thinking before you reply in an attempt to look intelligent. I actually edited the world "Latin" out of my post after initially including it.

So, basically I shouldn't take any value from your posts at all? Thanks for the heads up. I was already getting that impression, you fucking ANUS clown.
The forum itself isn't that bad, especially the metal forum as I like quite a few of the views expressed in there in terms of seperating the chaff from the wheat when it comes to art at large.

But if you go into The Chasm looking for anything remotely progressive, you're going to stumble into 'you don't agree with me so you must be a Liberal' or 'eugenics is the bomb, yo' mindfuckery thanks to Conservationist and Jim Necroslaughter.

Sefira/Thralldom just reeks of being birthed from that cesspit. However, his 'pretentious intellectual' comment might make me second-guess my assumption about him.