The Whining and Bitching Thread

I need to see a shrink and or a counsellor. This is going to have to wait till I return to the Fatherland though. Fuck. Not being able to speak to any proper native speakers regularly is doing my head in, I cant speak quickly or about deep concepts without someone asking me to repeat, right after a massive rant. URGGGGHHHHHHhhh

What about ranting to native english speakers online or over the phone instead of non-native speakers in person?
Also I'm in a shit circular conundrum where lack of sex is stressing me out but high levels of stress are causing lack of sex where sex might otherwise occur.

Yes I am seeing someone but fuck.
So what's stressing you out aside from the shortage of british peers?
I need to see a shrink and or a counsellor. could be good, or bad, depending on which one you see, some of them are extremely helpfull, while others just spout out a bunch of psycho-bable that won't help you at allThis is going to have to wait till I return to the Fatherland though. which Fatherland?Fuck. Not being able to speak to any proper native speakers regularly is doing my head in, americans are the worst at this, a european who couldn't speak your native tongue would be more considerate and pay atention closer I cant speak quickly or about deep concepts without someone asking me to repeat, right after a massive rant. URGGGGHHHHHHhhh

Stressssssssss. yeah, americans are stressfull

Also I'm in a shit circular conundrum where lack of sex is stressing me out but high levels of stress are causing lack of sex where sex might otherwise occur. i actually understand this because it happens to me alot

Yes I am seeing someone but fuck.

you're so stressed out that you're turning off you're girlfriend? wow that sucks
I'm not in America, I'm in Europe. I left my girl. I feel a bit bad about it, she was sweet, but it just wasn't meant to be. We're too different.
My roommate came in while I was watching Game of Thrones and she basically spoiled and ruined it for me. Thanks.

I'm incredibly thankful for how sweet and great a roommate she's been since September, but I'm really starting to get sick of her, to the point that even petty shit like I mentioned above get to me. Her voice is loud and obnoxious and she never has anything meaningful to say about anything. Also, she has her boyfriend over all the fucking time. I have no problem with him as a person. He's a cool guy. But I never see her without him around, and the apartment is too small for three people to live in comfortably.

She's a liberal political activist which basically means everything that comes out of my mouth has to be politically correct. Lately I've stopped the act and spoken my mind and it makes her go away.

I spend my days on campus and try to come home late but I do need to make dinner and relax most evenings. I'm glad I can take a break from Bangor for a while starting at the end of the month. Then I won't have to deal with her till the end of June when I start my summer job. Then I'm gone to Iowa at the start of August. After that, salvation, an apartment to myself!

Also, read the books. And honestly I don't know how far in you are but there's so many twists and turns in that story that there's no way she's spoiled the whole thing.
My friend was supposed to visit from Ottawa yesterday, but she bailed.

Oh well, she missed out on smoking a jay of some of the best weed I've ever smoked with me.
Also, read the books. And honestly I don't know how far in you are but there's so many twists and turns in that story that there's no way she's spoiled the whole thing.

This. I imagine all his roommate did was walk in and go "Oh Ned Stark? He ****."

(Don't want to actually spoil it for anyone).
I've been having some work issues.

About a month ago I was offered a promotion to a position that was at the time, full-time, with benefits and not a contract position (my job at the time was contract-based). Without ever discussing the terms of the offer, I go in expecting to be compensated the same for the same position. Then a week before I am set to start, I finally sit down with my boss who tells me flatly that not only will I not be on the company payroll, but my pay will remain the same and I will get no benefits. My boss justifies all this because the company is in a dire financial situation, so he says.

I was very angry about this (not in front of the boss) as I thought I had been mislead and that the employer did not make it clear at all what he was offering when he offered me the promotion. True, I did assume that I would make the same money in the new position as the person who held it prior to me did, but I know for a fact that that person and I had similar skill sets, and almost the exact same path into the industry. I did make an assumption, but it was a reasonable one.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I decide to stay with the new job in the short term, I do like it better than the old job and it will give me a wider palette of experience going forward. Of course my company had to hire a person to replace me for my old job. I am in fact helping to train this new person who was an intern just before she started there.

Today, however, I found out she makes more money than I do for doing the same job I once had. About $6000 per year more than me. In the world of entry level publishing positions, this is significant as it is a notoriously underpaid industry. I am more than angry about this. I wanted to quit immediately upon finding this out. It was at the end of the day so I just left instead.

Since this is still so fresh, I am still formulating what to do next.

Asking the boss to justify the pay difference after being fed crock about the company's poor financial health, is clearly a wrongheaded move strategically. But I cannot stand for being treated this way. Instead, I think I will just start applying for new jobs and give my two week notice very soon. The shitty thing about it all is that this is my first publishing industry position, so I need to handle it with care if I want to build on it and stay in this industry. Argh, god damned shitty managers/bosses.
holy crap. $6000 a year is a big chunk of change. What I would do is contact your company's HR department (if they have one...they should). Most HR departments have a pretty good confidentiality thing when dealing with issues. I think going directly to your boss and getting pissed would do more harm than good
holy crap. $6000 a year is a big chunk of change. What I would do is contact your company's HR department (if they have one...they should). Most HR departments have a pretty good confidentiality thing when dealing with issues. I think going directly to your boss and getting pissed would do more harm than good

No HR department. We are a small organization of 5 people.

And yeah, I agree that getting angry at my boss would do more harm than good since he holds all the power. Quitting soon seems to be my only option. It sucks because I'll only have been in the new "promoted" role for about a month though, which doesn't look great on a resume. I think my best option is to find something new ASAP and if possible, move into it seamlessly from this job.
i spent the last 9 days hanging out with some chick named debora
and this morning some guy that i've never seen before in my life is telling me to stay the hell away from her
what the fucking hell?!?!?