The Whining and Bitching Thread

That's really not an option. I can't think straight and I check out anything with a pulse.

That's not abnormal. I do that too.

If my experience can be generalized, you get to a point where you've been through the gamut of sex and relationships enough that it no longer becomes as important to you as other things in life. Once you reach that point, I call it maturity. Yes, I'd love to get laid every night while pursuing my goals as a human being, but just because I'm not doesn't make me deficient.

Since Andrea and I split I actually feel incredibly liberated in the fact that it doesn't make sense to pursue anything romantic or sexual in the remaining months I'm in New England. I've had more time for my scholarship and that's fulfilling enough.
Sex is great, but in this case, overrated. You guys are wasting a ridiculous amount of time and brainpower on it.

I was a virgin until 21 by choice, and then went back to celibacy for the next 4 years until I met my wife. Saved myself a lot of time, money, and worry.

There is an unrealistic and distorted emphasis on sex for young men, like you are broken or defective or - god forbid - ABNORMAL - for not having it all the time with everyone.

Sex results in feelings for almost everyone who does it, male or female. Save it for someone you like IMO. It's much more rewarding and there's less pressure or room for insecurity if it's with someone you know and are comfortable around.
Not sure if this was meant to include me at all, but I wanted to point out that if I don't have the social skills to successfully break the barrier of physical/emotional intimacy with all but a tiny niche of exceptionally compatible chicks, then I don't really have a choice over whether or not to be in a relationship. For all we know, a relationship could mean a world of difference for my emotional health, and something that I should be trying my damnedest to experience. That kind of advice is like telling someone with a shit job that they shouldn't worry about stepping up their appearance and interviewing skills in order to land a better job.
zabu of nΩd;10274440 said:
Not sure if this was meant to include me at all, but I wanted to point out that if I don't have the social skills to successfully break the barrier of physical/emotional intimacy with all but a tiny niche of exceptionally compatible chicks, then I don't really have a choice over whether or not to be in a relationship. For all we know, a relationship could mean a world of difference for my emotional health, and something that I should be trying my damnedest to experience. That kind of advice is like telling someone with a shit job that they shouldn't worry about stepping up their appearance and interviewing skills in order to land a better job.

It did. The irony of "Betas" who obsess over the Game and women is it has the exact opposite effect desired, particularly if you desire a relationship vs a one night stand.

If you work on yourself the other shit takes care of itself. Trust me, I was exactly in your shoes prior to joining the Marine Corps, and losing my virginity to a few one night stands did not improve my skills with women, or make me less anxious.

4 years of making myself, in short, a fucking man, did accomplish this. Get in shape, both mentally and physically. Spitting game only gets attention, it doesn't hold it. There has to be something legit backing it up for staying power. Just learning "The Game" is going to, at best, get you a lot of one night stands where the woman leaves going "what was I thinking?".

The pining and obsessing over women is a major fucking turnoff for women. Desperation stinks.

You don't need to be an "alpha male". But you need to not be a pussy-whipped chump, and you can be pussy whipped and be a virgin.
I just need to change the fucking shitty cycle I've been in for the past, well, since anything anyway near adulthood. I get full of angst about stuff that's nothing to do with me. It's so pointless. I never do anything for me, I'm the most narcissistic person but I don't work towards self betterment because I see myself as being above and beyond the world.

I'm just fairly quiet and awkward around new people, but then after knowing people for a while, or being a little drunk I'm normal, but with little in the way of scruples. I've been reading The Game and I think I need to turn myself around. I'm always doing something I'd rather not be doing, stuck in some institution I don't want to be in (education or employment, not mental or penal). I have good friends but they're ancient friends, at least the best ones. I think other people move on and develop new best friends at every stage of their life. This is a dodgy thing to say, but I just need to develop the ability to get what I want out of people and not be brutally honest all of the time, because I am, to the point of a fault really.

In regards to women, it's all a bit strange. I don't know where I am with them. I do get women being nice or flirty with me but I don't react all the well. I think I'm one of those guys Strauss would call an AFC because I probably look needy, just from the expression on my face. I bet when I look at a girl, I either give her some nervous smile that seeks confirmation or I quickly glance away and thereby submit to being deemed unworthy. I need to have a proper turnaround. I just don't know if I can do this. It might have to start after the end of the semester. I can't really do it while I'm with my mother, I don't know what to do about that. I need to find a job in Prague and stay here really. I have a really strained relationship with my mother, we just do not get along at all but she cares about me massively, because I'm her only child I suppose and she's a caring person. She's just impossible to communicate with and as bad tempered as I am. I have maybe three people I can talk about really important things to, my dad and my two best friends, who I've know for a decade and two, respectively. I wont end up on jeremy kyle with a pregnant chav wife because I find those women to be so repulsive that they are not even female to me. I'm terrified of ending up having children that I don't live with. I would be broken, as a person, if that happened.

I don't want to sound arrogant but I think the average person would have taken the easy way out a hell of a long time ago if they were me, so I suppose I'm strong, but I just need to change. I think I might be someone who was ugly in high school but, due to some genetic thing, became handsome afterwards or something. That would fit with the difference in the way people react to me.

I know desperation turns women off. This isn't anonymous, but I'm not sat in a bar talking to a beautiful girl. There are girls on here but they're not even in this country. I do need to cut down on the tendency towards extreme honesty though. I'm not joining the marines in order to become a man, I think that would be gluttony for punishment and put me well away from the softness of fairer sex. I am pretty much a loner at heart though. I get a little down without conversation, but that can just be IMing with one of the ancient friends. I don't know why they hell I go to clubs, they never play music I like, or really rarely. I also dislike drinking spirits, but end up doing it to get drunk quickly. What a load of shit.
That's really not an option. I can't think straight and I check out anything with a pulse.

i would tell you to go out and get a hooker
obviously you don't want to get into one of those creepy situations where you're visiting the same hooker every single saturday for the rest of your life
but just buy a hooker's services 3 or 4 times in the next 2 weeks(maybe 3 or 4 different hookers) and after that you might feel better about having sex with women that aren't hookers

in regards to the situation of living with your mother, you need to go to a girl's place, get laid, go home and tell your mom "i just had sex"
untill you say something like that to her, she's not really going to see you as a sexual person, especially since you're her only child
untill you say something like "i just had a one night stand" she's going to totally ignore the elephant in the room and pretend your sex drive doesn't exist for as long as possible
she doesn't see you as an adult-with-a-sex-drive because you're her kid and she will always see you as a todler, trust me, i had the same problem with my mom
Either Dakyrn or you is right about that. I've got a feeling getting it out of my system for the first time in a while will settle me down, but it could do the opposite for all I know.
I know desperation turns women off. This isn't anonymous, but I'm not sat in a bar talking to a beautiful girl. There are girls on here but they're not even in this country. I do need to cut down on the tendency towards extreme honesty though. I'm not joining the marines in order to become a man, I think that would be gluttony for punishment and put me well away from the softness of fairer sex. I am pretty much a loner at heart though. I get a little down without conversation, but that can just be IMing with one of the ancient friends. I don't know why they hell I go to clubs, they never play music I like, or really rarely. I also dislike drinking spirits, but end up doing it to get drunk quickly. What a load of shit.

Yeah I don't recommend joining the military. It is possible to put a boot up your own ass without all the unnecessary baggage of the armed services.

A generalized slogan is "Build it and they will come". You don't have to become an extroverted douchebag to find a good woman. In fact, you won't find a good woman that way. Gain real skills, have "manly" hobbies, whether physical or intellectual in nature, get fit. Physical fitness increases testosterone, which aids physical fitness, which aids the physical attraction part, to include natural pheromones. It also aids mood and mental acuity.
"getting fit" isn't neccassary to get laid, fat people have sex all the time

if you can't think straight and you're checking out anything that moves
i would suggest either

a)getting a hooker

b) going to or some other sex/dating site

c) going to a bar/liquor store and getting a girl drunk-as-hell where you're fucking someone that wouldn't touch you if they were sober
in regards to the situation of living with your mother, you need to go to a girl's place, get laid, go home and tell your mom "i just had sex"
untill you say something like that to her, she's not really going to see you as a sexual person, especially since you're her only child
untill you say something like "i just had a one night stand" she's going to totally ignore the elephant in the room and pretend your sex drive doesn't exist for as long as possible
she doesn't see you as an adult-with-a-sex-drive because you're her kid and she will always see you as a todler, trust me, i had the same problem with my mom

I just need to change the fucking shitty cycle I've been in for the past, well, since anything anyway near adulthood. I get full of angst about stuff that's nothing to do with me. It's so pointless. I never do anything for me, I'm the most narcissistic person but I don't work towards self betterment because I see myself as being above and beyond the world.
I'm always doing something I'd rather not be doing, stuck in some institution I don't want to be in (education or employment, not mental or penal).
Hm, i'm not sure what you mean by "above and beyond the world" but if you're referring to the problems of society (i.e. some of the education and employment institutions you refer to), those are just the rules of the game, many of them outside your control. Self betterment is basically a way of adapting to the rules and making your life easier in the long run. If you're really not interested in self betterment, than you'd better get used to the way things are for you now. If you are interested, but lack the motivation, then there's any number of things that can affect that (social environment, exercise, caffeine intake, sleep habits, etc) which you should examine about yourself.
I'm just fairly quiet and awkward around new people, but then after knowing people for a while, or being a little drunk I'm normal, but with little in the way of scruples.
I have good friends but they're ancient friends, at least the best ones. I think other people move on and develop new best friends at every stage of their life. This is a dodgy thing to say, but I just need to develop the ability to get what I want out of people and not be brutally honest all of the time, because I am, to the point of a fault really.
I keep seeing problems with alcohol come up in your posts. If you really have that much trouble being pleasant to be around when you drink, you should probably stop drinking around people. Easier said than done of course, but turning into a dick kinda defeats the purpose of social drinking.

I'm all about "getting what you want out of people", and yeah, brutal honesty is not the way to go about it. Personally what i've always found tricky about being smarter than most people is noticing how self-deceptive and escapist other people are. Most people can't handle "the whole truth", and reason/logic don't mean a thing if someone's ruled by their emotions. That's why i decided it's in my interest to just be polite to everyone i meet -- anyone can be of value to you, no matter what their IQ is.
zabu of nΩd;10274617 said:
Self betterment is basically a way of adapting to the rules and making your life easier in the long run. If you're really not interested in self betterment, than you'd better get used to the way things are for you now. If you are interested, but lack the motivation, then there's any number of things that can affect that (social environment, exercise, caffeine intake, sleep habits, etc) which you should examine about yourself.

changing your friends, caffeine intake, sleep habbits might help you get laid

I keep seeing problems with alcohol come up in your posts. If you really have that much trouble being pleasant to be around when you drink, you should probably stop drinking around people. Easier said than done of course, but turning into a dick kinda defeats the purpose of social drinking.

stop drinking altogether might be good

I'm all about "getting what you want out of people", and yeah, brutal honesty is not the way to go about it. Personally what i've always found tricky about being smarter than most people is noticing how self-deceptive and escapist other people are. Most people can't handle "the whole truth", and reason/logic don't mean a thing if someone's ruled by their emotions. That's why i decided it's in my interest to just be polite to everyone i meet -- anyone can be of value to you, no matter what their IQ is.

being honest doesn't work with people...ever...
the trick is to lie in such a way where no one will ever notice that you just lied

if a woman's shoes are shiny and/or zebra/leopard print and/or open-toed, she's just waiting for someone to say "i love your shoes", just go ahead and say it, even if your looking at the uglies pair of shoes you've ever seen in your entire life

if the woman's wearing open-toed shoes, she's expecting people to compliment her toe-nail color, even if it looks horrendous

if you're looking at a woman that has a completely different hair color/cut/style than the day before...

if a woman changes her clothes in the middle of the day for no apparent reason...

etc etc etc
you can't tell her that her new shoes/new toenails/new hair/new clothes look like crap

just go ahead and tell her that her new [shoes/toenails/hair/clothes] looks good, ESPECIALLY when it doesn't

in these situations the specific women that know they look like crap want the compliment instead of the harshness of the truth
It's all sex related insecurity that probably stems from too many isolated years of virginity in my late teens. I don't know if it's curable.

It's curable, but sex definitely isn't the cure. It sounds like you really just need to "man up". By this, I don't mean just get over it. You need to embrace yourself. Stop doubting yourself, and look inward, not outward, for "curing" your insecurities. Be confident in your state of existence. I was pretty insecure for quite a long time, and it wasn't until I confronted what it was that I hated about myself that I was able to regain my self-esteem. Everybody does this a bit differently. For me, I went through about a year self induced "depression", so to speak, and self pity, all while simultaneously condemning myself for being a piece of shit who wallows in self pity. I wouldn't recommend that route though.

I just need to change the fucking shitty cycle I've been in for the past, well, since anything anyway near adulthood. I get full of angst about stuff that's nothing to do with me. It's so pointless. I never do anything for me, I'm the most narcissistic person but I don't work towards self betterment because I see myself as being above and beyond the world.

We all get caught in bad cycles, just make sure that you're fully conscious of it when you find yourself getting pulled into it again. This doesn't necessarily mean it will pull you out quicker or stop you from going into it at all, but it does help with stopping yourself from being depressed for the rest of your life over the same bullshit.

I used to have the same problem pertaining to the angst, just use that energy and refuse to let yourself become whatever it is that you're angsty about. I used to get extremely pissed off about sex being the foundation of all relationships, but would find myself trying to have sex for no other reason other than to just have sex (I should add that this was caused by a chick who I was in love with for a number of years and who friendzoned me). Once I caught the contradiction, I started purposely sabotaging any chance of me having sex with a girl by setting myself up for a friendzone. Looking back, I did this without really knowing why I did it, but thinking that I would figure out why I was doing it as I aged.

You really should work toward self betterment, lest you'll find yourself in this same position for a long time. It seems like you're letting this frustration stop you from seeing a purpose in self betterment, but you're not going to get over the frustration without bettering yourself in a manner that you see most beneficial to yourself, be it the intellectual or physical route.

I'm just fairly quiet and awkward around new people, but then after knowing people for a while, or being a little drunk I'm normal, but with little in the way of scruples. I've been reading The Game and I think I need to turn myself around. I'm always doing something I'd rather not be doing, stuck in some institution I don't want to be in (education or employment, not mental or penal). I have good friends but they're ancient friends, at least the best ones. I think other people move on and develop new best friends at every stage of their life. This is a dodgy thing to say, but I just need to develop the ability to get what I want out of people and not be brutally honest all of the time, because I am, to the point of a fault really.

I'm confused, are you going to school for something that you don't really want to do? Don't sweat not liking your job, hopefully the menial and hated job is only temporary until you start your career. Everybody only has friends because there is something that they want to get out of them, whether it be somebody to share feelings with or to get physical things out of them. Just be sure to be polite and honest (brutally honest people are rather crude), a decent person so to speak, and you will more easily get what it is that you want out of people.

I don't want to sound arrogant but I think the average person would have taken the easy way out a hell of a long time ago if they were me, so I suppose I'm strong, but I just need to change. I think I might be someone who was ugly in high school but, due to some genetic thing, became handsome afterwards or something. That would fit with the difference in the way people react to me.

I don't think you need to change, you just need to be comfortable in your own shoes and adjust your demeanor accordingly.
So I came home to visit my family (father & brother) and there is a real problem here. My brother is 25 years old and has never had a job, EVER! He didn't finish school and "doesn't know what to do". There is a part of me that just wants to freak out, yell at him or even physically hurt the lazy fuck but thats not going to accomplish anything.

Long story short he wants some job advice. I told him to (they live in nyc) go out and get a server position. Its good money. you can survive and do other things, like go to school. He replies with the same lame "I dont have any experience!"

He's 25, very capable, has average intelligence (would be much smarter if he put his head in the books). I don't see the fucking problem! What would you guys do? what kind of advice would you give this person?
I'm not going to lie, don't get his hopes up for server positions. Those are nearly fucking impossible to get if you're over twenty-one, have no experience, and are male. I applied to numerous server positions after I graduated and never got called back for one. The managers hiring for those positions are almost always looking for people who worked in a restaurant in high school and know how it works. A twenty-five-year-old man with no serving experience is almost guaranteed not to get hired.

He'll need to start bussing or try to get a cooking position at a fast food place first, unless he gets very lucky.
Yea, I getcha, but you could always lie on your resume. I mean I have been a server for years! it's not rocket science! plus every restaurant goes through training with you no matter what your experience.

I really am upset about this. I cant sleep, it's making me crazy.

I'm about to send him some info about the alaskan pipeline