The Whining and Bitching Thread

If the relationship is at all worth anything, your significant other should never try to change you. I could understand concern if she was like "Hey, quit using heroin because it's killing you and you suck as a father" or something, but outside of those extremes fuck ultimatums.

Well, I wouldn't date someone who smokes pot either but would give them a chance to quit, so I can see where she was coming from.
Failed my semester exam... Together with 2/3rds of my group.. Only two just barely passed, holy shit our report was terrible.
*Sigh* Guess that's what you get when it's only half the group doing the work.

Yay for re-exams. :zzz:
If the relationship is at all worth anything, your significant other should never try to change you. I could understand concern if she was like "Hey, quit using heroin because it's killing you and you suck as a father" or something, but outside of those extremes fuck ultimatums.

Sometimes, as Males, we seem to be insecure enough to see "change" as a type of rejection and undermine its true meaning, which is challenge.
Almost broke my ankle today. Rolled it badly on a job. It made a nice tearing sound. Crutches and physio for the foreseeable future. Fucking fuck.
Almost broke my ankle today. Rolled it badly on a job. It made a nice tearing sound. Crutches and physio for the foreseeable future. Fucking fuck.

No-one cares. So alone.

If the relationship is at all worth anything, your significant other should never try to change you. I could understand concern if she was like "Hey, quit using heroin because it's killing you and you suck as a father" or something, but outside of those extremes fuck ultimatums.

On the same token, if the relationship is worth anything you shouldn't lie to your significant other like that.
In all honesty, I felt like the relationship was worth a lot at the time, I was really into it, but I still didn't feel like me smoking dope was that bad, or that big of a deal. So therefore I just... kept it on the downsies.
Not to suggest the act itself is a big deal, but I've also been one for full disclosure/honesty in tight relationships. Sometimes it may cause problems, but at least from my experience / outlook, it is only a sign that things wouldn't had worked out anyways, therefore weeding out the dud of a relationship quicker.

Then again i've never been one to want anything less than longevity from a significant relationship.
Well admittedly, I was honest once about the fact that I had smoked up the night before, and she flipped the fuck out. It was from then on, that I started being deceitful about it tbh.
Yeah, that tends to be the case a lot. That's a lot of why I haven't bothered buying the gear to play anymore. I just have a little practice amp and guitar now. Don't need more than that unless I get lucky and find a decent band to jam with.

Man, this is kinda necro'ing an old topic but fuck it I'm bored.

I had a few jam sessions with some people, but nothing came to fruition. I jammed with this one older dude who was pretty good and I thought we had a good thing going, but I think he didn't like the way I would look at his daughter (who was hot so it's not really my fault) and stopped answering the phone when I would call to jam.

Another time I was jamming with this band and their ultimate goal was to quit their jobs once they got a record deal and just do music and I wasn't sure if I wanted to commit like that at the time. Anyway, I jammed with these dudes and the guitarist had some killer riffs and I moved into my own place like two weeks after that and then I tried to get back together with them and I didn't get an answer.

I gave up trying after that. Other times, it was correspondence via Craigslist about shit, but these fuckers had weird demands like 'I can't practice after 8:30 because that's when my kids go to bed' or some shit. Don't have kids out of wedlock then you stupid fuck!
I have no problem finding people to jam with, I just: (1. Usually don't have the time (2. When I do have the time, I don't care enough to play with other people. I also haven't put any effort into writing songs since my last death metal band, like 2 years ago. I'll come up with some annoying sounding doodles that I get a kick out of, but nothing that I feel like taking outside of my own bubble. I hate showing other people stuff that I write because I find myself actually caring about their opinions, which, in my honest opinion, has a negative affect on the material.

I was delighted about some opinions the other day though. The band that I'm in, Black Orifice - though we aren't really active or practicing -, put out a few recordings which I gave to some friends. Back to the point, a few people of whom I did not give the music to had downloaded it from our FB page and really dug the stuff. I was shocked when they told me that they "jammed" to it because our typical listener response is, "It sounds interesting, sort of like Dream Theater but way faster and weirder sound", meaning, "I'm never going to listen to it again". Sadly, they, as well as all of the others that I have shown, thought that the 3 songs that incorporated vocals needed for the vocals to either be growled or not have them at all. Whatever, I should know better than to think that anybody except for my buddy I jam with and me could actually dig atonal singing.
I'm feeling like shit. Just got the last grade results in, and it turns out I've failed every single exam for this semester. Half of it is because of my group. (Great guys on a personal level, work-wise though, not so much) Then there's this depression which, I guess has almost lasted a freaking year by now.
I can attempt all the re-exams next month, but I just feel like what's the point? I'm not even sure this line of work is what I wanna do... But on the other hand I have no idea what else I'd be doing...
Also, can't seem to get things going with this chick I really like. I suck.

Just another rant...
Listening to some Blue Cheer.
One of our cats got hit by a car. Sigh. And if it wasnt enough, while burying the poor thing, i dug up another cat buried in a store bag years ago. Fucking thing was reduced to sludge. FUCK.