The Whining and Bitching Thread

We live close to the road and my grandma likes to take in strays so sadly it was bad luck. And fairly disgusting. Never have i seen before an animal thats hair and bones had even dissolved into black sludge. Nearly threw up.
One of our cats got hit by a car. Sigh. And if it wasnt enough, while burying the poor thing, i dug up another cat buried in a store bag years ago. Fucking thing was reduced to sludge. FUCK.

You know you're a psychopath when you can't bury one dead cat without digging up another.
And then look inside the fucking sack it's in to see what a decomposing cat buried in a plastic sack looks life after awhile...weirdo.

Why did you put that old one in a bag anyway? That defeats the point of burying it, kinda.
You put them in a plastic bag so that some critter doesn't try to dig them up and eat them.

edit: Damnit, this fucking chihuahua showed up on my doorstep a few days ago, so my mom and I have been taking care of it. The owners still haven't claimed him even though we've put up posters everywhere. I normally wouldn't mind this because I like dogs, but this dog keeps on pissing and shitting in the house even though he's been getting taken out every 2-3 hours. If the owners don't claim him, then I have a bit of a dilemma on my hands. I could give him to somebody else without telling them that he will piss and shit everywhere and hope that they choose to regift him to somebody else and not give him back to me, or I could take him to the shelter. The latter option seems a bit harsh. I would pretty much be giving him to an animal death camp for not keeping his bladder under control. Then again, I'm not really sure that I care.
You put them in a plastic bag so that some critter doesn't try to dig them up and eat them.

edit: Damnit, this fucking chihuahua showed up on my doorstep a few days ago, so my mom and I have been taking care of it. The owners still haven't claimed him even though we've put up posters everywhere. I normally wouldn't mind this because I like dogs, but this dog keeps on pissing and shitting in the house even though he's been getting taken out every 2-3 hours. If the owners don't claim him, then I have a bit of a dilemma on my hands. I could give him to somebody else without telling them that he will piss and shit everywhere and hope that they choose to regift him to somebody else and not give him back to me, or I could take him to the shelter. The latter option seems a bit harsh. I would pretty much be giving him to an animal death camp for not keeping his bladder under control. Then again, I'm not really sure that I care.

If there is any chance you're near new york city. I'd take him. No BS. My family and I have been fostering Dogs since I was a kid.
Thanks for the offer, but I almost never leave this peninsula. He's a nice dog and like most chihuahuas he's well behaved if somebody is always home and paying attention to him. I'm going to post some threads on the SOMD forum to see if anybody is looking for a needy dog if he's still having trouble with accidents in the house.
You know you're a psychopath when you can't bury one dead cat without digging up another.

Not really. I love cats. The particular one that got killed only liked our grandma and really only allowed her to touch her, but if our inside cat, Kolwalski, had died i would have been fairly devastated.
And then look inside the fucking sack it's in to see what a decomposing cat buried in a plastic sack looks life after awhile...weirdo.

Why did you put that old one in a bag anyway? That defeats the point of burying it, kinda.

bag cuts the smell down and lessens the chance of some possum or raccoon digging it up.
Also, i cut into the bag digging into the extremely hard ground... Wasnt sure what it was at first then... Goddamnit.

Anyway enough about that and yea double post but im posting from my phone and its a bitch to edit on this thing
I would miss my kitties. The one I had while I was with my son's mom is probably dead. He was a stray when I found him and she didn't much care for him. I figure she sold all my guitars, amps, drums, and my Mac, she probably left him in the oven after getting the house foreclosed on.
My fiance's car was broken into in Boston. The most frustrating thing is that I'm not there.

At this very moment, there is someone alive in this world whose face I want to split open.
Damn, bro. That's fucked up. If I knew anyone in Boston I'd call a favor for you. But I don't. All my people are Texas, Denver, Cali, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Arizona....
went to a few nights ago, flirting with this girl, the girl was as-horny-as-hell, and wanting to go home with me, but then her friends came up and did the whole "we came here as a group, we're leaving as a group" thing, and the girl flirting with me was just as pissed about it as i was, even going as far as blurting out "fucking bitch" to me in exasperation, and then "why can't i get laid?" to her friends, i have to deal with this exact same thing every single time i go to a nightclub
it's been so long since i've had sex that i'm seriously considering having sex with the girl whose boyfriend just went to re-hab