The Whining and Bitching Thread

I think I can firmly speak as the forum drug use spokesperson (considering a long battle with heroin use/selling and meth use/selling), and I can tell you there is no such thing as a 'functioning' addict. Period. Whether they are only drinking, smoking weed, or doing hard drugs. It isn't true. The outside seems functioning, but over time there is a complete breakdown in an addict.
Cannot function within normal parameters without X substance, I'd imagine.

Yeah man. Legalize it but don't go to work high. That's a similar argument to "it doesn't matter if I'm late, I still got my work done"
I think I can firmly speak as the forum drug use spokesperson (considering a long battle with heroin use/selling and meth use/selling), and I can tell you there is no such thing as a 'functioning' addict. Period. Whether they are only drinking, smoking weed, or doing hard drugs. It isn't true. The outside seems functioning, but over time there is a complete breakdown in an addict.

I know a guy that's been using crystal meth for the last 10 years, and has never been sober while at work in the last 9 years, and since he's been employed at the same job for the last 8 years, high-as-hell every single time he goes to work without getting himself fired, i'd consider him "functioning"
he's as high-as-hell every single time he goes to work, he's never missed a day of work, and the customers never notice he's high, how could i not consider this "functioning"???
I think I can firmly speak as the forum drug use spokesperson (considering a long battle with heroin use/selling and meth use/selling), and I can tell you there is no such thing as a 'functioning' addict. Period. Whether they are only drinking, smoking weed, or doing hard drugs. It isn't true. The outside seems functioning, but over time there is a complete breakdown in an addict.

I don't think there's any way you could possibly know that.
One of my former best friends (one of the two I have ever had) is just about permanently a "lost number" now.

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me and my roommate are currently spliting rent on a hotel room that neither one of us could afford on our own, (he makes about the same as me)
he wants to stop living in a hotel as quickly as possible, and now we are about to move into a place that's just as expensive as here
we're living together to split rent because he doesn't want to live in a place that he could afford by himself
he doesn't want to live in a place he can afford by himself because he "doesn't want to live in the ghetto"
i've never lived in a place where the rent was more than $550 per month, and he's never lived in a place where the rent was less than $750 per month, and i ended up splitting rent with him because his brand-new disability check is way, way less than what he was making before he left his last job
we're splitting rent 50/50 and i'm feeling ripped off because the rent is now eating up as much of my check as what i would be paying if i was gonna go back to living by myself, and that's just here at the hotel, i think the condo he wants to move into has their rent even higher than here
I know a guy that's been using crystal meth for the last 10 years, and has never been sober while at work in the last 9 years, and since he's been employed at the same job for the last 8 years, high-as-hell every single time he goes to work without getting himself fired, i'd consider him "functioning"
he's as high-as-hell every single time he goes to work, he's never missed a day of work, and the customers never notice he's high, how could i not consider this "functioning"???
Of course you would be that dumb fuck that knows a guy that clearly negates the entire situation. Of course. Fuck you.

I don't think there's any way you could possibly know that.
Nope. I wouldn't know that at all. Never met anyone that has done drugs. Nope.

Of course there are one or two select cases that might somewhat bend the parameters of my analysis, but even they are not truly functional. The addiction in and of itself is proof of disfunction, is it not?
We had a functioning alcoholic in my unit. He eventually got kicked out and committed suicide a few years later. He could only work buzzed/drunk.
Clearly he was functional, what with the suicide and all...
You're a dumb human person.
Nope. I wouldn't know that at all. Never met anyone that has done drugs. Nope.

Of course there are one or two select cases that might somewhat bend the parameters of my analysis, but even they are not truly functional. The addiction in and of itself is proof of disfunction, is it not?

The point I'm making is that there's millions of addicts in the world and there's no way you've even met the majority of them. Life experience is not an extremely viable source, being that many memories we all have are false, and that we all collect very small sets of data on our own that we believe cover the generals of reality more than they really do.

And what's "truly functional?"
My mothers vicious dog just attacked me, and tore a centimeter-wide hole into my sack. I'm in immense pain but I don't think I need medical attention.

Clearly he was functional, what with the suicide and all....

Well, generally "functional addict" means it doesn't keep you from working/paying the bills etc. Not that you don't have probs. This dude had major problems outside of his drinking, the drinking prob just helped him live with himself.
My mothers vicious dog just attacked me, and tore a centimeter-wide hole into my sack. I'm in immense pain but I don't think I need medical attention.


Fucking hell! You have a large hole in your scrotum and you don't think you'll need medical attention? I'd be getting that checked out ASAP.
I had a nurse tell me that if I bandage/gauze it up and alcohol the fuck out of it, I should be fine. I was told they wouldn't stitch it, so it seems this is my only option anyways... which doesn't bother me any, as I don't want them fiddling around with my cash and prizes.

Still in excruciating pain, but gonna try to get some rest.
It must suck living in the land of the free and holy mormonism when you're broke and a dog done bites your balls.