The Whining and Bitching Thread

I love CSI Miami. The combination of one-liners, the Bladerunner-esque forensic equipment, and the procedures of the detectives I find pretty amusing.

I agree wholeheartedly. It's especially awesome high out of your fucking mind.
Social seems to be this sort of clicky, snobbish, nerdy club within GMD, comprised of forum members who mostly seem tired of talking about metal all the time. Therefore, this forum is not ever going to grow much beyond the regulars. As for Mono, he's either a method-actor level troll, or a pathetic neckbeard who is completely starved for human interaction, even if it is purely virtual.
So, I had a conditional offer to study at The University of Edinburgh. All I needed to do was get one A at Higher level (the Scottish equivalent of A Levels). I received my exam results on Tuesday and I got three Cs. I'm pretty sure this is going to hang over me for the rest of my life. I know this isn't the end of the world and I'm already looking at other options but this was a huge opportunity and I went and fucked it up.